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  1. PaphMadMan

    sukhakuii fma aureum (OZ clone)

    Oh yes, that is quite nice. Ideally, get an outcross with a good normal clone as well as a selfing. Size would matter most. NS over 13cm and petal width over 2.2cm might get it a close look.
  2. PaphMadMan


    Off to central Nebraska for me, about a 10 hour drive from home but I plan to take my time, 2-3 days each way along different routes. Booked a room in Broken Bow the nights before and after many months ago. Should be able to drive at least a couple hundred miles up or down the path that...
  3. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Constance

    OrchidWiz has 2 photos identified as Paph. Constance 'Nicky Lynn' (sic) and 4 other photos. 1 or 2 of the other pics look like they could also be 'Nicki Lynn' but the others are clearly another clone or clones with longer petals with a second twist, but otherwise similar. There is only 1 other...
  4. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Constance

    Very handsome flowers and foliage. 'Nikki Lynn' has had 2 CCMs as well as the AM from 20 years ago. It must be a good grower.
  5. PaphMadMan

    Non orchid flower ID request

    Genus Ipomopsis, probably Ipomopsis rubra, native in much of eastern North America though really only common in TX, OK, FL.
  6. PaphMadMan

    Red pill or Blue pill

    Of all the possible things to worry about, this doesn't make the top 299792458 on my list.
  7. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Dick Wagner (Fanaticum x bellatulum)

    Paph Vanda M Pearman, like many Paph delenatii crosses, strongly tends toward pale colors and tiny spots, if any. Paph delenatii suppresses color in the first generation. Expecting anything else is unrealistic. With luck you may get some strong colors in 2nd or 3rd generation. A very...
  8. PaphMadMan

    Cattleya purpurata

    Of course, it is fashionable to call anything you don't like fake news, and the number of climate change denying, evolution denying, flat earthers increases constantly. Might as well bash scientists like taxonomists too if you don't like what they say. Your alternative facts as just as valid.
  9. PaphMadMan

    Cattleya purpurata

    Nice Cattleya! I understand the reluctance of some to call this Cattleya, but it can't be Laelia. It isn't more closely related to Laelia than it is to Cattleya, in fact much more distantly. It got called Laelia due to one influential guy's ego and convenience for keying rather than valid...
  10. PaphMadMan

    Mexipedium xerophyticum

    The bonsai pot makes a very effective presentation for this species. Its a good thing it is rather small with the rambling habit.
  11. PaphMadMan

    First Flowering - Eric Young (is it really?)

    I wouldn't doubt it being Phrag. Eric Young just because of color. Form seems correct to me. From Phrag. besseae forma flavum breeding this wouldn't be surprising.
  12. PaphMadMan

    Cypripedium Seed Pod

    Web search for "pollinating Cypripediums by hand" and you should find several useful pages.
  13. PaphMadMan

    Temptation 'Gym Socks' AM/AOS

    Even the very best plants are often only awardable in that particular year where culture and climate and growth stage and timing and a little luck all come together. The rest of the time if they are "merely" fantastic instead of spectacular you have done everything right and still deserve much...
  14. PaphMadMan

    Cypripedium Seed Pod

    I agree with Ray that it would be best to let nature take its course or if you happen to be there when the pod starts shedding seed you could help spread it around a little more widely within the appropriate habitat on your property. For next year you could do some hand pollination to help more...
  15. PaphMadMan

    Temptation 'Gym Socks' AM/AOS

    Paph Temptation 'Gym Socks' AM/AOS 85pts May 2016 Mid-Atlantic Monthly Judging
  16. PaphMadMan

    Some Blooms Around the Greenhouse

    Interesting growth habit on the Bulbo. cernuum. Easy one?
  17. PaphMadMan

    here we go

    You have a lot of work ahead of you, and in 3 years you'll need to tear down your neighbors house to make room for your new greenhouse.
  18. PaphMadMan

    A favourite Rose

    I can see why it would be a favorite. The color is gorgeous.
  19. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum Long Look

  20. PaphMadMan

    Tissue culture vessels

    Tyrone's suggestion is good, and inexpensive, but if you're more comfortable purchasing sterile containers meant for the purpose is a reliable company with many good choices.