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  1. PaphMadMan

    Cruelty in Bali

    Setting aside the question of whether dogs should be eaten at all. Historically many cultures and populations have eaten dogs at least as a last resort, and some still do. And virtually every other species as well, including humans. Where you place dogs on the continuum of whether eating any...
  2. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum Nimit

    Very nice. A similar one, Paph Ron Williamson has been a favorite of mine.
  3. PaphMadMan

    Misting paphs

    As long as it is warm and there is good air movement misting is good. Caution in cold cloudy weather though, especially with Brachys.
  4. PaphMadMan

    Delenatii x Fumi's Delight

    Paph Memoria Arnie Linsman, registered 2000 by Glen Decker. The white version would be bland, but that touch of green with the soft pink makes this a winner for me. If you're looking to get rid of it...
  5. PaphMadMan

    Paph. curtisii or superbiens?

    There are probably many Paphs out there labeled as superbiens or curtisii that have been misidentified for many years. And there have certainly been cases where crosses between the 2 have been presented as one or the other. A single characteristic rarely if ever can be an absolute distinction...
  6. PaphMadMan

    Anybody else notice the IOSPE fundraiser plants on Ebay?

    Thanks for pointing them out. I'll add a couple more comments. The seller is Jay Pfahl, the owner of IOSPE. Though he has very little feedback in the past year he absolutely is a seller you can trust. Buy them all and you'll have a stunning collection of mutifloral hybrids and Parvis. If...
  7. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum dayanum

    I don't think small points at the corners of the staminode are really out of character. No type specimen, illustration, or description can capture all the variation in a species. It is clearly dayanum, and a very nice one.
  8. PaphMadMan

    Paph. exul, P. appletonianum

    Nice appletonianum, but the exul is fantastic. Just about the perfect representation of the species.
  9. PaphMadMan

    Any idea on the name?

    I agree this does not look like it has any non-Maudiae type ancestry. 3 flowers is somewhat rare but 2 is not uncommon at all. Grow it to a big multi-growth plant to encourage the trifloral potential. Selfing it might give some really nice Maudi-NoIDs, great vigorous starter slippers for...
  10. PaphMadMan

    flowered plant

    The choice is very simple. The more old growths a plant has the faster it will grow new ones, they will be bigger, and they will flower more. If you want to remove them to make room go right ahead, but you will be stunting the new growth and limiting future flowers. The more leaves a plant...
  11. PaphMadMan

    Picture of paph. Devayani

    That's the one I sent him...
  12. PaphMadMan

    A new variety of concolor published

    Just have to comment... How cool is it the we got to see and discuss this taxon long before it was published?
  13. PaphMadMan

    Picture of paph. Devayani

    And not very similar to the real thing...
  14. PaphMadMan

    Sophronitis Cattleya?

    Complex topic. I was going to stay out of it, but... I might go along with that except other than being generally small and orange, Sophronitis cernua (the original Sophronitis, the one that must be Sophronitis if anything is) and "Sophronitis" coccinea really don't look much alike...
  15. PaphMadMan

    Picture of paph. Devayani

    I have access to a picture but it isn't mine, so I'm not comfortable posting it. I would send in an email if you're interested.
  16. PaphMadMan

    A cool picture

    There's some kind of bug on that Zinnia.
  17. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum Pysch x wenshanense.

    Nice clean spotting pattern.
  18. PaphMadMan

    P. callosum, villosum, bullenianum

    Nice large bullenianum.
  19. PaphMadMan

    Cyp flavum

    Absolutely stunning! Quite a strong resemblance to Paph malipoense, yes. Similar pollinators perhaps?