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  1. PaphMadMan

    Paph. stonei 'Uptown Girl'

    Gotta love that stonei, but stylistically the photo would have been more effective with the grill of the Suburban as backdrop. :poke:
  2. PaphMadMan

    New descriptions don't stop coming.

    I like it.
  3. PaphMadMan

    Brassavola nodosa x C. loddiglossa Capsule Ready!

    And if you happen to end up with a spare flask...
  4. PaphMadMan

    Brassavola nodosa x C. loddiglossa Capsule Ready!

    Nice. I see many pink stars in your future.
  5. PaphMadMan

    Brassavola nodosa x C. loddiglossa Capsule Ready!

    Have we seen a picture of the Loddiglossa parent?
  6. PaphMadMan

    Brassavola nodosa x C. loddiglossa Capsule Ready!

    That could be a fun cross. Not named yet. When the time comes, I suggest Nodosloddiglossa.
  7. PaphMadMan

    charlies on the back wall

    The normal colored ones are quite nice, but that f. sandowiae is truly spectacular.
  8. PaphMadMan

    Again new Paph. species described.

  9. PaphMadMan

    Again new Paph. species described.

    No one - no person, no institution - has taxonomic authority. Kew probably has as much influence as any entity for accepted orchid taxonomy - and RHS largely follows Kew, of course - and RHS is hugely influential in orchid horticultural usage because they are the designated arbiter of what is...
  10. PaphMadMan

    It's raining new species.

    What could possibly produce this as a natural hybrid? The flower looks purely Cochlo but doesn't really resemble anything else more than all Cochlos resemble each other. The flowering is described as fully sequential. Again purely Cochlo in character. The strongly mottled leaves don't come...
  11. PaphMadMan

    Hello from Wisconsin

    Greetings and Welcome, from in-state.
  12. PaphMadMan

    New Phrag. Book!

    That probably means that Kew and Natural History Publications have distribution rights outside the Americas. Should just be a matter of time. The book hasn't been released yet. Give them a few days. What I want to know is when it will be released in e-book format.
  13. PaphMadMan

    Done with Orchid Zone

    Looking at the eBay feedback, 10 negative to 155 positive in the last 6 months, would seem to indicate a trend toward recent problems. Further back there are almost no negatives. No matter what the history or perhaps continued attention to truly large orders and established customers (which...
  14. PaphMadMan

    Paph. esquirolei

    That is by far the most interesting example of the hirsute/squirrel type I have ever seen. And fantastic photos. :clap::clap::clap:
  15. PaphMadMan

    Paph. concolor v. album 'First Class Charlie'

    You can always scale back to 'High Class Charlie' if it falls a little short. I don't think Charlie will mind.
  16. PaphMadMan

    Paph. concolor v. album 'First Class Charlie'

    A very nice well grown example of forma album. I like the optimism of giving it initials FCC.
  17. PaphMadMan

    Magic Lantern

    What's not to love. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
  18. PaphMadMan

    What is this?

    Similar to Kevin Porter but not Kevin Porter. I think it is micranthum x any of dozens of bellatulum heavy brachy hybrids, and that is probably all you can be sure of unless the seller can tell you more specifically. But if I had to guess, Paph Al Hill (micranthum x Conco-bellatulum).
  19. PaphMadMan

    cross with tranlienianum

    Crossing with another curled dorsal ruffled petal type is the type of breeding that has been registered more than anything else - with Paph spicerianum and a few spicer heavy complex like Bruno. The 2 pictures I have seen really just look a lot like spicer. Yawn. Crosses with Maudiae-types...
  20. PaphMadMan

    Natural hybrid of P.micranthum

    Looks like Lola Bird to me, micranthum x emersonii. The staminode, the spotting in the pouch, quite typical.