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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C

    Well, here I am

    You're too kind Ray. Hope I live up to it.
  2. C

    Aggravation / Karma

    Ray lived in Pennsylvania, the Land of Giants, Where No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (as I still do). The state agencies are pretty much underfunded and useless for anything other than annoying the citizenry. And when not underfunded, are run by former employees of the businesses they are supposed...
  3. C

    Question about a plant that only wants to proliferate

    I've got a plant labeled "Paph laevigatum" that I picked up probably 25 years or more ago. Grows like the dickens, but doesn't get big, only makes more dinky little growths. Biggest leaves are perhaps 15cm, but there's lots of them. (And lot of divisions!) Genetic or cultivational flaw? And...
  4. C

    Well, here I am

    Thanks to Heather Gaillot, I'm all signed in and ready to enjoy the forum. For what it's worth, I like species, (and the older paph hybrids, like F. C. Puddle). If you take me out drinking, and get me nicely lubricated, I'll admit to growing a few compact cattleyas for home decor use. I've...