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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C

    Cattleya mossiae semi alba

    Oh, that's nice!
  2. C

    Average fc for phrags?

    Well, I give my Cardinale and Sedenii direct sun all morning, until about 1PM in the summer (in the Philadelphia area - latitude matters!). Doesn't seem to burn them, and then they get reasonably bright light in winter, under artificial illumination (but I've never measured intensity).
  3. C

    Repotting every year?

    Steve is a good grower. And a funny guy. One of the bits of old-timer lore is that Paphs grow best the first year after potting, and flower best the second year. My take-home is that if you want to grow up a plant, repot every year. If you want maximum flowering performance, repot every other...
  4. C

    General pollination questions

    One of the things that happens is that if the parents are quite different genetically, there are only a few viable genetic combinations, so you don't get a broad spectrum of traits in the offspring. If the parents are quite similar, then most combinations are viable, so you can get a broader...
  5. C

    Cultural advice for no ID Paph

    Given that it looks so much like a Paph delenatii, I'd try for cool, somewhat dry winters, warmer, wetter summers.
  6. C

    Hardy Ground Orchid Protocorms

    I'd just either put them on some milled sphagnum moss, or take some unmilled sphagnum, pack it down, and put them on that.
  7. C

    SEPOS 2024

    I'll be there Friday.
  8. C

    Paphiopedilum lowii

    That's a really nice photograph! Pretty flower, too.
  9. C

    Wardian case another update

    Check out the ultrasonic fogger from House of Hydro. You can go waaaay overboard with what they offer, as well as find something just right.
  10. C

    Phragmipedium Sedenii

    Good color!
  11. C

    Specklinia endotrachy

    FWIW, Mine grows intermediate, but very moist conditions. It is a weed.
  12. C

    what % shade cloth do you use

    I use 50%, I think, for my shade "cage". Some paphs (roth types, brachypetalums) get no shade, just full sun from morning to around 1pm. Phrags, too. Philadelphia suburbs.
  13. C

    Paph Vanguard

    Sure looks like Vanguard. I have a Bill Wilson remake of that cross.
  14. C

    Wanted Bulbophyllum beccarii or Bulbophyllum echinolabium

    Echinolabium is pretty cool - massively tall flower, bad smelling, attracts flies like other bad smelling things, what's not to like. That said, I got mine from Carter and Holmes, more than a decade ago.
  15. C

    No label so who knows 😏

    Some of those cochlopetalums are difficult to differentiate. You've got to consider leaves - glaucous or not? - staminode shapes, etc. Personally, names aren't as important to me as whether or not I like a particular plant - does it grow for me, is it a survivor, etc...
  16. C

    Why are good orchid species so hard to find?

    I think it's an issue of limited demand. Few people, percentage wise, are interested in species, which often have reputation for being more demanding of growing skills, vs. hybrids. If you are tying to make a living selling orchids, or even beer money, it make sense to focus on what most people...
  17. C

    Jungle collected plants

    Cool. I've never really liked the "Improved" forms of species. Partly because for me, orchids are a part of nature I get to enjoy in my home.
  18. C

    What are the Cattleya I can grow in the Amazon

    Quadricolor, I think, is a warm grower. May do well for you.
  19. C

    Paphiopedilum niveum

    Most impressive, both for plant size and flowering.