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  1. C

    Need your help ;(

    First photo looks like sunburn on the leaf. The others look OK to me. Main thing is to understand their native conditions, and come up with something that approximates it in your environment.
  2. C

    First time deflasking (Phrag pearcei)

    I never worry about roots much, ex-flask roots will not survive, in general, but will be replaced by roots adapted to whatever growing medium you put them in. The main thing is to keep them in an environment conducive to new root growth, and supportive of the seedlings until they do make new roots.
  3. C

    Cycnoches cooperi

    It is a great species. I had one, but failed to do right by it, alas.
  4. C

    How do one differentiate between a Glaucophyllum and Liemianum?

    Don't know about liemianum, but glaucophyllum has a bluish blush on the leaves, hence the specific name "glaucophyllum"
  5. C

    Phrag humboldtii help

    Well, mine's growing well in small fir bark, 2pts, small charcoal, 1pt, #2 spongeroc (perlite), 1pt, in an aircone pot. Not wet, not real dry, either.
  6. C


    To use beer: take a bottle of beer (your preference) and a hammer to the plant area. Find a slug, then slug the slug with the hammer. Then take a slug of beer. Repeat until either slugs or beer are gone.
  7. C

    Anyone have a good e-mail for J&L Orchids

    You might try calling them, using the phone number listed on their site: 1 203 261 3772 Good luck...
  8. C

    orchids and ants

    Probably herding scale or mealy bugs, as Guldal suggests. Two things to do: check (and kill any found) for bugs, and submerge the pot in some water with a little soap or other surfactant. This will force any ants that have taken up residence in the pot out.
  9. C

    Unknown Pleurothallid

    I have plants labelled Specklinia grobyi with leaves ranging from long and slender to short and round, and things in the middle. Not saying it isn't, because I don't know, but I suspect that that name has been a dumping ground for unidentified species for quite some years... (Taxonomy is a...
  10. C

    Fun question for all orchid collectors: so pretty much everyone here ;)

    1. Phrag. Cardinale. Always does well. grows like there's no tomorrow. Close second this year: Paph. villosum. 2. Cischweinfia (any species). Always fails. Doesn't seem to travel well. I'll keep pushing that rock up the hill, though. 3. Biggest - Dendrobium Gatton Sunray. Longest held...
  11. C

    Greenhouse humidification

    Ultrasonic sytems. House of Hydro has single emitter systems up to I think 9 emitter systems, which should be suitable for a small greenhouse. (I use one of the smaller ones for my cloud forest in a box.)
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    H2O2 flasking

    So, Ray, what do you think about ammonium peroxydisulfate? Asking because I have some (and it's gangbusters for killing poison ivy).
  13. C

    Potting on

    To the main base.
  14. C

    Blooming dendrobium spectabile

    You can flower anything under lights, if you have enough lights. And space. The real question is: Is it practical to flower this under lights? That's a question only you can answer, because it depends on what space you have available.
  15. C

    Crazy leggy Paphiopedilum

    You say that they get plenty of light, but is that at the top of the plant, or down where the new growths start? That may be the cause...
  16. C

    Paphiopedilum Albion, begining the blooming season this Summer

    This is a hybrid that I really like, but have only limited success with. It grows, but slowly.
  17. C

    Moving paphs outside in summer?

    Depends on the plants. Some species like warm conditions, and definitely enjoy the great out-of-doors. I move mine out. Others like cool conditions, and don't really do well with warm nights. They stay in the basement, under lights (and an air conditioner). You just got to know your plants. If...
  18. C

    Phrag. Sedenii….Difference in Colour.

    The colors are very temperature sensitive. Flowers that develop in cool to cold conditions have much more intense color than those that develop in warm conditions. You'd think they were different flowers.
  19. C

    P.godefroyae v. ang-thong X rothschildianum

    I'm not much of a hybrid lover, that I think that's quite nice. I'd even make space for it in my limited growing area.
  20. C

    Lighting Help

    Have a look at (Or any other supplier - that just happens to be the one I last bought stuff from.) It's easy enough to build your own these days. If your enclosure is 24", get an LED strip in multiples of about 20", and use several if you need. That's pretty much what I do.