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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C

    Cold damage

    Cut out brown, leave green. Repeat as necessary, during recovery.
  2. C

    I need a name

    I think so, also.
  3. C

    Bulb. pardalotum

    Don't know about this species, but typically, Bulbophyllum flowers don't last all that long... Perhaps a week? I know that B. nymphopolitanum and B. echinolabium last perhaps 4 days (in my conditions).
  4. C


    I grow a number of species in cool-cold winter conditions, including wardii (does better for me that way), tonsum (still seedlings) and some of the brachypetalums. A short spell of overnight lows that remain above freezing is nothing to worry about, as long as the days get warm, and the roots...
  5. C

    Where to buy supplies?

    Second that. Nice people. Pleasant to deal with.
  6. C

    Fogg-it water wand
  7. C

    mini phal no ID

    I've got a bunch of NOIDs. I'm primarily a species person, so happily relate to my NOIDs on their purty flowers.
  8. C


    Not sure if this is the right forum, but... Got a shipment from Ecuagenera today. I must say that I was really surprised by the size and quality of the plants! Mostly Zootrophions, as I seem to have a thing for the most unusual of species, but also some Draculas, and "other" genera. All but one...
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    Rescue Phal

    Plants in hotels, offices, shopping malls, etc.
  10. C

    Rescue Phal

    The rescue phals are great. I work for an interior landscaper, and before the plague, had many accounts with contracts for blooming orchids - always phals. These are tough plants. As they bloomed out, I brought them home, and as they've rebloomed, given them to my wife for the library that...
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    Paphiopedilum orchids in the post

    Keep in mind that in the "Good Old Days" orchids traveled by wind-powered ships. Transit time could be measured in months.
  12. C

    Mealy bugs, should I be more aggressive at this stage?

    At least twice. Once gets the adults and juveniles, second time gets the recently hatched eggs.
  13. C

    Mealy bugs, should I be more aggressive at this stage?

    I grow inside, under lights. Not gonna use Orthene there. Talstar P seems to work real well (so far), and is odorless.
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    You can generally tell if a plant is starting to spike by feeling it up. If the crown feels fat at the base, it's usually a spike forming.
  15. C

    Mealy bugs, should I be more aggressive at this stage?

    You should always be aggressive when you spot bugs. All-out war is appropriate.
  16. C

    Cochineal on my haynaldianum ...please help

    I have found Talstar P does a good job, both as a foliar spray, and as a drench (to get anything in the root zone). It's a synthetic pyrethroid, comes as an aqueous emulsion, and does not smell bad. I use it inside my home. Not systemic, however - you'll need to spray a second time after two...
  17. C

    yellow spots on a friend’s Phragmipedium Cardinale (?) leaves

    Yes. Often something chewing on the bottom of the leaf is reflected in yellow spots on the top.
  18. C

    yellow spots on a friend’s Phragmipedium Cardinale (?) leaves

    What's underneath the yellow spots?