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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C

    Pyrethrinoid insecticide

    Same here. I regularly use bifrenthin (Talstar P) on my plants indoors, in bud or not.
  2. C


    It probably is an over-priced, somewhat automated vivarium. BUT: I think the point is that a good proportion of people have no idea of how to go about setting something like this up, and so derive a level of comfort from a turnkey system. Also, it looks rather snazzier than a typical...
  3. C

    Hardened calcium nitrate

    If you can dissolve it in water, you can use it.
  4. C

    Tips drying

    Could be your water, as in too much in the way of dissolved solids. I've found that using r/o water really helps all around.
  5. C

    2018 SEPOS show is this Friday Saturday and Sunday

    I recently returned from the SEPOS show. I must say that the woman from Ecuagenera is very good at selling plants - I spent almost twice what I planned to at that vendor.
  6. C

    Ummmm, ya

    Shhh!! It's a test...
  7. C

    Another nail in the coffin of US orchid growers

    The other thing that will happen is that the dendrobium imports will wind up in hotels, offices, and etc., exposing people to more and different kinds of orchids.
  8. C

    How timing of photo affects perceived quality

    Ah, youthful beauty! It's wonderful that plants get to be young every year, unlike humans (except in our imaginations ;)
  9. C

    Mini humidifier suggestions

    Reptifogger? Holds a liter bottle. Whether there's enough output depends on the volume of your enclosure. It might be good for 4-5 cubic feet.
  10. C

    Some Interesting Plants from Rutgers Greenhouse

    The last one is a Vriesea, a genus of bromeliad, and fairly easy to grow with orchids. The penultimate is possibly an alocassia or colocassia, often known as elephant ears.
  11. C

    Seriously?! Lol

    Guess he really doesn't want to sell it. "But dear, I offered it on ebay, and no one wanted to buy it!"
  12. C

    Sphagnum Moss Sheets

    Sheet moss, which is often used in show staging, can be had from Robert's Flower Supply (, but only during the spring show season. I use coconut fiber (available same place) tied onto my pole (in my case, a length of pvc pipe), for some philodendron and pothos plants I have...
  13. C

    Question about a plant that only wants to proliferate

    Thanks, guys. I'll try some of those suggestions.
  14. C

    Not 100% culture but interesting..

    Interesting. Certainly worth more investigation. I may have to try this myself on some plants I have (once they deign to flower again).
  15. C


    Parts of it. Texas is a BIIIG state (and worth visiting - especially the parts that are not Houston). Even us d*** yankees know it.
  16. C

    ionizer or ozone machine

    I think the mold/fungus you are seeing is more likely to be spread by water splashing than airborne spores. You may want to try something like a swimming pool algicide - it's a quarternary ammonium compound, also seen in products like Physan and Consan. Try watering a FEW pots of plants you...
  17. C


    Here in the northwestern Philadelphia suburbs, I don't mulch my Bletilla striata (I presume that's what you meant instead of Bletia) at all. A what seems to damage them the most is a wet winter.
  18. C

    2 henrys

    That second one is most interesting, and I can see how many paph lovers will take to it, but my own preference is for the first.
  19. C

    Help, what's wrong?

    For what it's worth, I use Talstar P on mites. It's a synthetic pyrethroid, labeled for ornamentals IIRC, a water-based emulsion, and has no odor. Nor does it have a particularly high mammalian toxicity. It's not terribly expensive. Bifenthrin is the active ingredient.
  20. C

    Help, what's wrong?

    Could be mites. If you've got a *really* strong magnifier, you can see them, but they're realllllly small.