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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Kawarthapine


    Very nice. How about a pic of the whole plant?
  2. Kawarthapine

    Just a quick snapshot

    I'm green with envy! Great set-up.
  3. Kawarthapine

    Temptation 2016

    You need to get that beauty judged. What an awesome plant. Thanks for the follow-up pics.
  4. Kawarthapine

    Phrag St Peter

    Lovely pics and plant. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Kawarthapine

    Another try with Paph.canhii "fruit"

    Well done and good luck. A noble cause it is...
  6. Kawarthapine

    Lynleigh Koopowitz

    Very nice and I would not be overly critical of the dorsal.
  7. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium vittatum

    That is amazing. The green and browns offer a wonderful contrast and make the flower really 'pop'. But twenty years! That would try even my wife's patience.
  8. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium besseae ‘Big Bob’ x ‘Colossal’

    Great looking flower, especially the form of the petals. I like the peachy undertones.
  9. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium André Lévesque

    That is a great plant ... Love the form and rich earth hues. I just added it to my bucket list!
  10. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium Wolfgang Joseph Kunisch

    I love those compare and contrast pics. Both lovely plants.
  11. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium Gisèle Faust

    The first pic almost looks like the profile of flying dragons (not that I have first hand experience). I do like the rich earth tones. Well done.
  12. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium China Dragon

    Great colour and form.
  13. Kawarthapine


    Hard to tell but more pointed dorsal sepal leads me to think jackii, but I dont have much experience with these plans. My seedlings are still another year or two from blooming size. Either way, Should be a nice flower. Well done
  14. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum micranthum fma. kienii

    The slipper wall is so thin it appears almost transluscent. I would think it is a short-lived bloom. Can anyone confirm how long florescence lasts? Thx.
  15. Kawarthapine

    Mostly Green

    I love them both, but the spice is really captivating.
  16. Kawarthapine


    Both are great plants. 'No buyers' remorse needed...just trade every other year!
  17. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum vietnamense

    Amazing series of pics. Although the task is made easier with such a great subject and devoted viewers.
  18. Kawarthapine

    Hirsutissimum: final result

    Very nice. Thanks for posting.
  19. Kawarthapine

    Deflasking Paph rothschildianum

    Very nice. You will have a forest and orchid enthusiasts breaking down your doors in no time (well, the orchids enthusiasts anyways). May be a wee bit longer till the forest appears.
  20. Kawarthapine

    TPS(Taiwan Paphiopedilum Society) 2016 Spring Slipper Orchid Show

    All I can say is, 'Wow'. Thanks for posting those gorgeous pics. I would like one of each. Nope, better make that two.