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  1. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum helenae in situ

    Your commitment to documenting in situ species is more than commendable. Your contributions remind me how prescious these native species are and how much better they look in the wild, where they belong.
  2. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium Don Wimber and P. Schlimii

    Yeah schlimii! Please sir, may I ave some more?
  3. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum Wössner Vietnam Beauty

    Love the flower colour and spotting pattern. Thx for posting.
  4. Kawarthapine

    Paph. praestans

    Very nice. Thx for sharing!
  5. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum Kolosand

    So, first congrats. Second, where did you get it? Lastly, how old when you first saw the spike, and how much longer till it flowered? P S. Thx for posting.
  6. Kawarthapine

    Magic Lantern

    My question as well... Regardless a very lovely plant and flower. Thanks for posting
  7. Kawarthapine

    Paph venustum 'Astrid' AM/AOC

    That foilage is amazing. Great photo to show off plant attributes.
  8. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum dianthum blooming in situ

    Well done. I'ts great to have people such as yourself documenting native species. They always look so much better in thei native habitat.
  9. Kawarthapine

    Real liemianum?

    That is a giant and gorgeous. Looking forward to adding one to my collection.
  10. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. Fox Valley Fireball

    Very nice. I can only begin to imagine what a larger plant, under ideal culture, is capable of. Thanks for posting.
  11. Kawarthapine

    Phrag Rosy Charm 3N - bloomed hot

    Nice flower comparison. We've had a very hot and dry summer here in Ontario and I've noticed less intense colour in both paphs and phrags.
  12. Kawarthapine

    Cahaba Morning Mist

    Silvan: Thanks for the two pics of your Lutz Rollke comparing different forms. I love the colour intensity of your two flowers...both of which are richer than mine (sourced from J-P and I think another from Russell Stoddart).
  13. Kawarthapine


    Very nice. I love the chartreuse green. Thanks for posting.
  14. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum S. Gratrix x sib ('Dynamite' x 'Blanco')

    I agree w Markhamite. If not for space limitations I would buy half a dozen flasks and half a dozen flasks every year. The exchange doesnt help either, yet I have not regretted a single purchase from Sam.
  15. Kawarthapine

    Paph Fanaticum

    Love the prevelent yellow that I have not seen before. Well done.
  16. Kawarthapine

    Cahaba Morning Mist

    Very nice. I have the same dorsal characteristic (slight pinching towards tip) in my Lutz Rollke (one of the parents) but is not present in my Hanne Popow's the other parent). I am none-the-less completely enamoured by your flower and would love it in my collection.
  17. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum philippinense fma alboflavum

    Great photo and even better plant. Luv those albas!
  18. Kawarthapine

    Paph malipoense X 2

    Very nice colour. Well done.
  19. Kawarthapine

    St. Ouen

    Great acquisition. Absolutely beautiful colour and form.
  20. Kawarthapine

    Paph. Berenice

    Very nice. Gotta love anything lowii. Is it vigorous with the suk as a parent or slower growing?