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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Kawarthapine

    Madeira – Home of the slipper orchids

    That's the prettiest church alter I have ever seen!
  2. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. besseae fma. flavum

    Very nice. I wish we had easy access to Chuck's magnificient flasks. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. besseae fma. flavum

    Very nice. I wish we had easy access to Chuck's magnificient flasks. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Kawarthapine

    Paph. Chou-Yi Wench

    These are also available from Clouds (in Ontario close to Niagara Falls & Buffalo N.Y.).
  5. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. Mini Grande

    Fantastic Dot. I love all your pics, but in my opinion this is one of your best.
  6. Kawarthapine

    Group shot!

    The Les Platon, Fremont and Barbra Leeann are great...some of my fav phrags. Thanks for posting.
  7. Kawarthapine

    Paph. Vanguard

    Very nice pic Dot. I really like this unique flower. It possesses many attributes I find attractive in other species and hybrids.
  8. Kawarthapine

    Paph. Henrietta Fujiwara

    Dot. Very nice green. Am I correct in thinking the flowers yellow a bit with aging? I ask as it appears the first (lowest) flower is more yellow/less green thatn the upper two.
  9. Kawarthapine

    Paph. helenae

    Beautiful flower and pic. Another great combo. Thanks Dot.
  10. Kawarthapine

    P. Magic Lantern

    Amazing. I really like the form of the pouch and the perfectly flat dorsal.
  11. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. Praying Mantis 'Birchwood'

    I love the green flowers and the form is fantastic. A most fitting legacy.
  12. Kawarthapine

    Leucochilum & Godefroyae

    Colour: 2nd. Form: 3rd.
  13. Kawarthapine


    My point as well. Are you selling this plant, if so for how much? If not, this should be reposted to the paph photo thread.
  14. Kawarthapine

    CITES and International shipping.

    Moderators should also consider copying This thread to the 'Conservation' section. Any thoughts?
  15. Kawarthapine

    CITES and International shipping.

    John: I agree that those crossing borders need to do their 'due diligence' and work proactively with border agents. At the same time, broader inconsistencies in the administration of CITES between just two north american countries begs further consideration of how we can contribute to better...
  16. Kawarthapine

    Paph. Iantha Stage for 2016

    Very nice flower and gorgeous, healthy leaves.
  17. Kawarthapine

    Lemon Grove 'Wayside'

    That is one amazing flower... ...glad to know folks like yourself are keeping these great crosses alive and thriving.
  18. Kawarthapine

    Aragon's children

    I love the pronounced green in the div12 dorsal.
  19. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. andreettae '#1'

    Very nice Tom. Glad to hear you selfed it. I look forward to raising it's progeny, should any make it across the border in a few years time.
  20. Kawarthapine

    schlimii ¨Excelente¨

    Eliseo: Amazing colour and form. I will reluctantly volunteer to be the first Canadian recipient of such finery. Kidding aside, that is an amazing flower... I love everything about it.