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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Kawarthapine


    Very nice flower and a happy, healthy plant. Mwell done.
  2. Kawarthapine

    Cypripedium acaule

    They are blooming now here in Ontario. Blloming season for acaule is typically early June to early July (with exceptions due to local conditions). I often find them in close promimity to cyp reg. and cyp parvi pub populations.
  3. Kawarthapine

    Cypripedium parviflorum

    I agree w John re nomenclature. ...they are definitely pubescens. I have parvi's and the plants are about 50-70% of the size of pubuscens and the lateral petals are the colour of chocolate milk.
  4. Kawarthapine

    Cypripedium reginae

    Gorgeous plants. What was your source? Do you mulch them for winter protection?
  5. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. dalessandroi

    I like. Not bad at all for a first bloom. Thanks for posting.
  6. Kawarthapine

    warszce... what the popowii - humboldtii?

    Very nice and quite unique in my area... I would defer to J-P for taxonomic info.
  7. Kawarthapine

    Phrag caudatum var sanderae x Magic Tresses

    A real beauty. Nice deep colours. Thanks for posting.
  8. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium longifolium

    Great colour in the laterals. Lovely plant. Thanks for posting.
  9. Kawarthapine

    A pair of red lady slippers in office window

    Beautiful. Wish every office had that window dressing.
  10. Kawarthapine

    Phrag trio

    I love all three. Any shade or derivative of green works for me. Thanks for posting.
  11. Kawarthapine

    Haven x Smokin

    They are both lovely. I guess I need one of each to make sure I have a diversified diet of local fruit!
  12. Kawarthapine

    Recycled a/c water is safe for orchids?

    I've been using residential dehumifier water every other watering for severl years. I dilute this water 50:50 with rain or municipal water without any apparent ill affect.
  13. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum emersonii in situ

    Your in situ pics are simply spectacular.
  14. Kawarthapine


    Gorgeous. I really like those beautiful pastel colours. Must get cold at in situ locations, why else would the species have all that insulation?
  15. Kawarthapine

    Rlc. Karen's Sunrise 'Waianae'

    Now we're talking. That is a real beauty. I can't recall the name but saw a similar flower with purple and that electric green.
  16. Kawarthapine

    Rlc. Liu's Joyance 'Leopard'

    Amazing colour and flower size!
  17. Kawarthapine

    Lc. Love Knot 'Seto'

    Gorgeous... the disproportionately large flowers.
  18. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. warszewiczianum aka wallisii

    Lovely plant Gilda. You mentioned some cultural challenges...what are you doing to keep it happy now that you weren't before?