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  1. Kawarthapine

    rothschildianum 'Mont Millais'

    Impressive plant and great culture. Thanks for posting.
  2. Kawarthapine

    Blooming Cypripediums

    As John said. Also, soil nitrogen will quickly drop as microbes break down the wood fibre mulch so be sure to add pine needles in with your mulch and fertilize lightly in the fall and again in early spring. I just over distribute a light application of my lawn fertilizers...just be sure not...
  3. Kawarthapine

    Not sure what but still nice!

    Looks to me like a Columbianum, albeit one with light coloured petals...similar to those offerred by Froshe
  4. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. Mayling Nielsen

    Lovely, vigorous plant. Are you growing under lights, greenhouse and/or windowsill?
  5. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium QF Maria

    Great, intense colour and lovely form. Is the short florescense due to lighting or genetics?
  6. Kawarthapine

    Paph. barbatum 1st bloom

    Nice indeed. Should sell well.
  7. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum delenatii

    Great looking dunkel. Great size and form. Beautiful leaves and a fragrance to boot! Congats.
  8. Kawarthapine

    Paph. Druid Spring

    Very nice plant and flower. As a dend devotee I have to ask, what is the dendrobium to the left of your lovely paph?
  9. Kawarthapine

    Longifolium var. Hinksianum supposedly...

    Love those CU pics. Can't wait to hear J-P's verdict.
  10. Kawarthapine

    Another kolopakingii

    Beautiful from this end. Btw. What is the slipper in the bottom left foreground of your pic?
  11. Kawarthapine

    Paph. anitum #2 (29/5 updated very dark dorsal!!)

    Lovely low light paphs. Another one to add to my 'bucket list.'
  12. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum concolor

    Very nice clump. Much nicer than a single flower.
  13. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum callosum

    Now that is one lovely group and presentation. Group plantings are always more dramatic and this is certainly no exception. I wish I had the room to do this!
  14. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium group picture

    Great group shot. Your HP is really neat/unique...I always think of them in varying grades of pink and white. Can you elaborate on the plant name, parents and source? Thanks for sharing.
  15. Kawarthapine

    Few others at recent show

    Thanks for posting... How do you ever find time to do in situ tours with local shows like that?
  16. Kawarthapine

    Bud watching for Phrag. schroederne

    Waaay to go. Nice vigorous plant. Must be the water!
  17. Kawarthapine

    Eric Young flavum

    Very nice. Just checked my notes and I have not had a hybrid with flavum branch.
  18. Kawarthapine

    Longifolium var. Hinksianum supposedly...

    I love the intense colour. Please keep posting pics and updated info. Regardless of what you learn, it is a 'keeper' by every definition.
  19. Kawarthapine


    Well done. Lovely flower.
  20. Kawarthapine


    Love the whole package. Great pic as well. Thanks for sharing.