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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Kawarthapine

    Backyard treasure, Little Yellow Lady Slippers

    The recent heat wave and sun has brought these plants into bloom less than four weeks from the time they emerged from my flower bed. These plants are native to my area (central Ontario, Canada) and are rescues from a bike path that went through a friends farm about 15 years ago.
  2. Kawarthapine

    Barbara Leann

    That is very nice. You did well for an Ebay purchase.
  3. Kawarthapine


    Very nice. It is indeed beautiful. Thanks for posting.
  4. Kawarthapine

    Phrag. Memoria Garren Weaver... or not??

    Demetria is a better fit. The colour is a good match but the stance of the petals is a bit different than my plant.
  5. Kawarthapine

    Phrag Paul Eugene Conroy

    Lovely looking, healthy plant. Thanks for posting.
  6. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium Nursery Photos

    Nice looking plants from a very good source. I wish I had access to those plants here in Ontario, Canada.
  7. Kawarthapine

    Another Eumelia Arias

    Beautiful. Thanks for posting.
  8. Kawarthapine


    Very cool. I often see great variation in temperate slipper populations, but almost exclusively colour related and not such dramatic differences in form. Lance's comments regarding changes based on altitude make sense, but are none the less extraordinary.
  9. Kawarthapine

    Phragmipedium Besseae

    Can't wait to see the outcome... ... The waiting is the worst part.
  10. Kawarthapine


    Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum hangianum blooming in situ

    Amazing... BTW, loved your other orchid and wildlife photos from your field trips. Hard to believe you could carry so much stuff on your motorcycle. Keep the great pics coming.
  12. Kawarthapine

    Paph Kolosand 2016

    WOW indeed! Congrats on a spectacular flowering.
  13. Kawarthapine

    I hope this cross takes

    Just went back to pic and got your reference, good one! Also a great idea for the pairing. I would also be interested in the progeny.
  14. Kawarthapine

    Another venustum

    Those are gorgeous flowers. If you have the chance can you share flower dimensions and parentage? Many thanks!
  15. Kawarthapine


    I love that great dorsal... ...the rest of the flower is also lovely.
  16. Kawarthapine

    another Sedenii

    Well done. Very nice. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum Hangianum (Hài Hằng)

    What a gorgeous,little flower. Beautiful soft yellow and pink hues.
  18. Kawarthapine

    Two besseae

    Wow. Love the petals on #1 and the dorsal on #2. Both are wonderful.
  19. Kawarthapine

    Paph. stonei 'Fox Valley'

    I agree... ...would love to see a larger pic and hope for great news from the judges!
  20. Kawarthapine

    Paphiopedilum delenatii

    This is a fine consolation. One of my all time favourites...such classic colours. It always reminds me of our local, temperate equivalent, Showy Lady Slippers.