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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. R

    Paph richardianum

    So been waiting for weeks to get a pic of the 3rd bloom open on this spike, and last flower has 2 holes punched in it by snails:sob::mad::mad: anyway cool flowers on ridiculously 30inch long droopy spike. If it wasn't for the big difference in flower size you'd think it was just a...
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    Bulbophyllum arfakianum

    You mean the column/petals and lip? (I don't think Bulbos have the equivalent staminode shield of slippers). Also even crazier is the stigmatic surface is actually in a shallow hole/socket that really takes some precision to poke the pollen into. I've successfully pollinated these flowers...
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    Paph. rothschildianum 'Strider'

    Great flower count and good looking flowers:drool:
  4. R

    Best Ways to Deal with Stolons other than Basket?

    Go to the storage unit area of Home Depot (or $ general or walmart) and get some of those big ass under bed storage totes of for shoes and clothes.
  5. R

    P. venustum, P. gratrixianum

    Excellent specimen plants:clap::clap:
  6. R

    Coelogyne cristata

    I second that:clap:
  7. R


    I like the contrast of spotty/peppered petals and almost striped dorsal:wink:
  8. R

    Paph malipoense

    How tall did the spike end up Rick?
  9. R

    Paph micranthum v. eburneum

    Very white and green. Alba ebernum??
  10. R

    tri-floral delenatii vini

    That's just super nice Denver:clap::clap:
  11. R

    Paph purpuratum and virens

    Ya actually much cooler in real life. Both of the plants I got from you have added 2 or 3 new growths and the second one is just starting to spike too.
  12. R

    Bulbophyllum arfakianum

    I just had one of my frittilariaflorum flowers open enough so took it apart to photograph the petals. This flower was 10cm at first opening, and would have expected to get another couple cm over the next couple days if I hadn't broke it. You can see the filaments at the tips of the...
  13. R

    Paph purpuratum and virens

    A couple of relatively new plants to the collection This purpuratum is from LittleFrog Farms. Going to breed it with Gego's flower. Got a couple of P. virens from SlipperKing that I believe came from a Hawaiian grower. This is a hard flower for me to photograph. The pink petal tips...
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    another delenatii

    I've had this one for quite a few years (got it from Matt Gore when he lived in CO). Switched it to basket in 2011, and its done well. This is the first time its produced double flowers although a more aggressive growing sib double blooms almost every spike. Whole plant in 6" basket...
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    Paph. delenatii

    Awesome! I have a bunch of babies coming up from that breeding:wink:
  16. R


    Usually the 2nd blooming will have a complete flower. Pretty none the less:wink:
  17. R

    A couple terrarium Bulbos.

    Can I have them:o BTW I have a piece of something I think you want.
  18. R

    Paph. delenatii

    Beautiful flowers Eggshells:clap: Is that the same vini you sent me pollen from a couple years ago?
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    Phrag richteri 'Crooked Creek'

    Did you ever have a spike branch Rick?
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    Phrag ecuadorensis 'Birchwood'

    Nice Rick How long are the leaves on this plant?