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  1. F

    TON roths

    Yes, you're right but I think you would change your mind if you would see them in reality. It's why the best thing is to have dark, clear, round, wild, big, small ,etc... clone. :D
  2. F

    TON roths

    Black Tatoo, Black Widow and Chocolaterie are all crazy roths! :evil: I'm not sure to sleep well this night...
  3. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum Sam's Choice x MM Best

    yes it is! And Sam's Choice is Rex x MM.
  4. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum Sam's Choice x MM Best

    A sister plant of the wonderful "Lilimo" clone from my friend Paul. Not as good as but a nice one. First bloom, dark color, 25cms and 5,5cms DS.
  5. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum Z2135 (DS 6.4) x Z2135 (DS 6.3)

    Again in bloom. Always 3 flowers.
  6. F

    rothschildianum 'Vermithrax'

    Ooouuuuuh!!! I like A LOT! What's the cross?
  7. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

    Clearly crosses from Bear (New, 6, 3 ,etc...). Very interesting dark color but size is limited. Same thing for my "Dark Passenger", very dark but flower size is 23/24cms.
  8. F

    Paph. rothschildianum 'Iron'

    It could be "Schwarzy" too! :D Very interesting roth.!
  9. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Grand Rond"

    Yes that's right, but in french, it's "Grand Rond". :) I have several clone with english name (Tiny Zebra, Dark Passenger, etc...) because I like the english "sound". But the french "sound" too, so I decided to give it a french name. ;)
  10. F

    besseae v flavum x manuzurii

    Very cute!
  11. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Grand Rond"

    A plant from flask "TN-Queen x TN-Tiger" I bought in 2007. It should bloom 3 years ago but it aborted. So, it's the 1st bloom for this plant. I cut the 4th bud because I saw the 3rd was already smaller and I supposed the plant was suffering (It has just a small new growth) 28cms and 6cms cms...
  12. F

    What is your favourite multifloral Paph?

    Not agree with that. There are probably easy to grow seedlings but I have 3 plants from 3 differents seedlings and they grow slower than all my roths. And even slower than some of my sanderianums! MK can be easy but not always.
  13. F

    Roth flasks from TON

    Of course not! No value in it! Just a special bouquet of love for the "frenchies"! :smitten:
  14. F

    Roth flasks from TON

    Ok, thank you for information but are you sure about that? In 2008, Knight sunshine bloomed with 4 flowers. But it was maybe not in perfect conditions.
  15. F

    Roth flasks from TON

    Here we can find a "better" picture of Tarantula. About this wonderful clone, is Machan bloomed it with more 4 flowers? If not, it's maybe one way to progress and to create a Super Tarantula with 5 to 6 flowers. Now necessary to find a 6 very...
  16. F

    Roth flasks from TON

    I like a lot the middle flower with dorsal "flame". And of course, the 1st one color petals is very interesting.
  17. F

    Tokyo Orchid Dome - Lycastes (for Fabrice)

    Thank you but it's not good for my mental health! :p
  18. F

    Live from Tokyo

    I dream to live in Japan for their Lycaste!
  19. F

    Roth flasks from TON

    I agree, Ronan is a funny guy. :p But when I look at your last picture, I think he's not alone... What I don't understand, you take your precious time to take in picture some roths what are not exceptional. But you keep for you the best blooms. I don't understand the logic, that's all...
  20. F

    Paphiopedilum Saint-Swithin "Yellow King"

    Not really. I see it to brown on my screen. But thank you to try. I took many pictures. I will see this week end if one is completely representative of the color, even if the global quality is less good.