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  1. F

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum

    Thank you John for your experience. In which mix do you grow your plant?
  2. F

    Paph gratrixanum or villosum?

    Villosum for me too.
  3. F

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum

    Not an easy specie in my growing conditions. I lost my previous big plant and bought this one some months ago. I hope to keep it as long as possible because this specie is simply wonderful, even if this clone is nos the best we can find.
  4. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum 'Jurassic Park x self'

    3rd bloom, first time with 4 flowers. Selfing of a wild selected plant. Very vigorous clone.
  5. F

    Is OZ still in Business?

    If it's true, I think to the recent thread about OZ. There's no smoke without fire. :(
  6. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum 'Sam's Best' x 'Rex'

    Thanks all. I could named it "Resistance". :o
  7. F

    Paph charlesworthii

    I like it. Maybe not as dark as the newer bredding but looks like a true one. What is clearly not the case of many posted here and elsewhere what are King Charles hybrids...:ninja:
  8. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum 'Sam's Best' x 'Rex'

    An old cross from Sam. One of the 1st roth. I bought 10 years ago. I like particulary the bicolor pouch. Not dark, not fat petals, not very big dorsal, not very big flower (27cms), "Only" 3 flowers. But still a lot of charm in my eyes. :)
  9. F

    Phragmipedium besseae

    Again in bloom. Near perfection in my taste. Selection gave the flat flower and a little rounder but this flower keep the natural form. That's the besseae "spirit"! If I searched very round and big flower, I would buy an hybrid! :o
  10. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Hell Flames"

    After 4 difficult years with the plant, it's finally back... Better form but color petals is lighter. Always 3 flowers.
  11. F

    My mini roth??

    Mini yes! I think it's not Starlight but Starship, no?
  12. F

    Orchid Zone amazing seller.

    @Paphioland: If I don't have doubt about your OZ opinion, to create a new thread just after the ehanes thread is necessarily "suspect". It gives more impression to read a personn who want to help a friend than a real cutsomer review. Timing is just not pertinent...:o
  13. F

    Done with Orchid Zone

    Terry was a passionate guy who lived for his orchid business. John is first a business man who like then orchids. It's as simple as that. To take care rich customer is not a problem and is even the basis of business. But despising the customers who spend less is a big mistake. This thread...
  14. F

    Paph. philppinese

    Not a philippinense in my opinion. Maybe Mount Toro.
  15. F

    roth judgement

    In another way, you can forget the standardization of tastes and just listen your heart. Of course, if you want absolutely win an award to a show, don't listen to me...;)
  16. F

    Paph. fairrieanum 'Vinh Huy Nguyen' FCC/AOS

    About AOS credibility, I don't want to be unpleasant but it's not the 1st time an award is questionable... we even saw in the past hybrids judged as species. So, all is possible and AOS is not a reference for me. This bloom is clearly specific and original. But not really in my taste, FCC or...
  17. F

    Paph. rothschildianum redux

    31cms is very good for roth. I suppose eggshells talked about dorsal and petal size. As I already said, this roth is near perfection in my taste (I'm not a fanatic of very big and round dorsal and I hate very large petals. . I just find the picture is very nice but a little "too retouched"...
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    Superbe Jean!
  19. F

    Peruvian Phragmipedium fischeri?!

    I see kovachii in this nice flower.