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  1. F


    Staminode is good for identification but in the case of 2nd or 3rd generation of hybrids roths (Lady and Sunlight Roth.), some blooms will have exactly same staminode than roth.
  2. F


    As I told too, it's clearly a roth., not because I'm sure when I see this bloom but because all blooms from the breeding line are more and less similar and homogeneous. IF it was hybrid, some plants would have more Lady Isabel in it. About some Lady roth. or Lady roth. x roth isolated, I...
  3. F


    Probably roth. because I suppose OZ work selection is serious. But I agree we can have doubt when we look at the form of petals. One thing is sure, in my personal taste, I don't like this selection way! :(
  4. F

    Paphiopedilum delenatii

    A classic one. I lost my very fragrant plant and sadly, the fragrance for this one is ver very light... :(
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    Paphiopedilum ciliolare

    Bought recently in bud to Popow. Ciliolare leaves are often tessetaled but sometimes not, like this one. It depends of the origin area.
  6. F

    Paph, philippenense.

    Saint Swithin or Gary Romagna. Nice dark petals and good size dorsal.
  7. F

    Roth flasks

    Yes! :)
  8. F

    Roth flasks

    For me, Sam sell sometimes flasks with too young seedlings. At least when he comes in Europe. So, I ask now pictures to be sure I agree with the size. A too small seedlings without flask = more possibilities to lost it and often 1 year lost to reach BS size.
  9. F

    Den tobaense

    Maybe the nicer in the genus in my eyes.
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    Dendrobium fimbriatum in situ

    Nature is wonderful!
  11. F

    Roth flasks

    Very good seedlings and very good choice in my opinion. I'm envious... As I told in another thread, I think MM x Tarantula is very very promising. And I'm very curious to see Rex x TF!
  12. F

    RIP Malala

    I have several plants from Malala...:( She was not from Malaysia but from Madagascar and of course specialist of Angraecoides. RIP.
  13. F

    Roth flasks

    I think there's at least "Chou-Yi" picture in my Paphiopedilum in Taiwan VI book. I will look at that this week end.
  14. F

    Paph St Swithin

    Maybe for standard but not in my taste. It's one of the charm of this bloom, with "horizontal" and "thin" petals. If you were in Europe, I'll purpose to exchange a division of my "Yellow King" for a division of this one.
  15. F

    OZ roths

    Very good selection work. In my taste, some are very nice (S12 for example), some are really not my cup of tea... (S6 for example). I saw too this one on the Paph. Paradise FB. In my opinion the best mix beetween big selection and "wild style". Incredible.
  16. F

    Paph argus

    Very nice clone. Not easy to grow in my conditions.
  17. F

    Paph rothschildianum 'Drogon'

    Very nice one. You didn't cut the spike for the bouquet? :D
  18. F

    Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Millais' x 'Oriental Red'

    Very nice one. A slow grower no? What the flower size?
  19. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

    Again a nice one, similar to the "MM x self" x Sabah posted recently. Please change the title and write it correctly. ;)
  20. F

    Update: Paph roebelenii

    Petals color is very dark! Nice clone.