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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. M

    Paph Magic Lantern album

    Brillant flower a very good purchase
  2. M

    Anticipation...Chiu Hua Dancer 'Wacky Worm' AM/AOS x St Swithin 'Cracked Pepper'

    Quickest way to break a bud off is to touch it
  3. M

    Paph Yang-Ji Diamond

    Nice one Stephen better to come from in future years me thinks
  4. M

    A good selection out at the moment

  5. M

    A few selected In-Charm Gold

    All very nice love yellows
  6. M


    Nice one
  7. M

    Paph. concolor

    Great plant to show off great flower
  8. M

    Paph Volcano Goddess

    Nice shape and flower count well done
  9. M

    Paph Crowning Glory

    Well grown and flowered
  10. M

    Paph coccineum

    nice plants
  11. M

    Paphiopedilum argus ‘One Eyed Monster’

    Always loved argus a great species
  12. M

    Paph. Psyche

    Well grown plant pretty flower
  13. M

    Paph. (Bellatrix x bellatulum) x bellatulum

    Very nice this is a great cross
  14. M

    P. henryanum 'Yellow Valley Joy' BM/SOK 2022

    Lovely flower shame about the petals
  15. M

    Paph. vejvarutianum

    A really nice species
  16. M


    None from me either
  17. M

    Paph. emersonii

    Nice one
  18. M

    Paphiopedilum concolor x helenae

    Interesting flower helenae certainly hold the shape
  19. M

    wenshanense var. aureum

    Stunning flower