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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. M

    Paphiopedilum Petit Paradise

    Great flowers what's the parentage??
  2. M

    Wossner Black Wings x anitum (QF Black Beauty)

    Nice flower pity it wasn't a bit darker
  3. M

    Paph anitum

    Nice one
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    Paphiopedilum Memoria Rapee Sagarik

    Nice small hybrid
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    Ho Chi Minh

    Good one lovely flower
  6. M

    Paph concolor alba

    Very nice
  7. M

    Paph thaianum

    Nice one
  8. M

    Paph. Mystic Isle double header

  9. M

    insigne 'Sanderae'

    Nice one Stephen
  10. M

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum

    Nice flower
  11. M

    Paph. Chou-Yi Gratrix

    Very nice
  12. M

    Bellatulum album

    Nice one looks a fair size too what width is it
  13. M

    Paph. Wossner Black Wings ‘Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes’

    A bit of potential here
  14. M

    Paph. Duguesclin

    Nice one
  15. M

    Paph. rothschildianum '#65' x '#3 BM TOGA'

    I would have expected more
  16. M

    hangianum x leucochilum

    A great cross
  17. M

    godefroyae dark form

    That is a nice colour form not almost black love the reds
  18. M

    Brachy Paphs 2024

    Great to see another bunch of good orchids
  19. M

    Paph wardii

    Nice one like it