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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. M

    Paph gratrixianum (I think)

    Thats a good one always like these a lot
  2. M

    Paph.hennisianum album

    Nice album
  3. M

    Delenatii 'alba' x Armeniacum 'Alba'

    That could be outstanding when at full size and colour faded
  4. M

    Paph Armeni White

    Nice one
  5. M

    Paphiopedilum stonei

    Love stonei and hybrids
  6. M

    Concolor album

    Nice one
  7. M

    How would you rate this Paph. rothschildianum?

    A roth is a roth is a roth. They are all good
  8. M

    another hirsutissimum album

    Very nice one of the better albas
  9. M

    Could this be Paphiopedilum Bel Royal?

    Would be highly probable
  10. M


    Nice colour and form
  11. M

    vietnamense opening

    Great species
  12. M

    Paph.micranthum 11 buds/flrs on 10 inflorescences

    What a great showing well done
  13. M

    World Orchid Conference 2024 Highlights

    Great photos thank you very much
  14. M

    Paphiopedilum argus in Havana!!!

    Nice one
  15. M

    Paphiopedilum concolor x Raingreen's Delight

    Nice one great colours
  16. M

    Paph. fairreanum

    Always a top species a must for any collection
  17. M

    My best Rothschildianum

    Very nice one
  18. M


    I like those markings