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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. M

    Paph papuanum "alboviride" (*)

    looking good hope it opens well
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    Am I sailing on dangerous waters?

    3 parts medium (9-12) 1 pt large (12-18) 1 pt 10mm charcoal 1pt jumbo perlite (some use clay balls instead) keeps moist without being too wet. Deep pots
  3. M

    Paph Pinocchio "album"

    Very interesting flower love the halo
  4. M

    Paph. randsii

    Wonderful species well done
  5. M

    Paphiopedilum hangianum in situ

    Very nice clone hope it remains in situ
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    Paph. Hung Sheng Tango: Story of Impulse

    Very nice a good purchase
  7. M

    Paph leucochilum

    Both very nice well done
  8. M

    My Brachypetalums in 2023

    Looking good love the Brachys
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    Paph Gemstone's Randschild

    Great flower love the randsii connection
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    Josianae versus Longipetalum

    Great clone and well grown
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    One of my all time favorites
  12. M

    Paphio tigrinum "tiger line"

    Nice flower well done
  13. M

    Shen Lui Elf

    looks good