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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Cordulus

    Paph. fairrieanum

    Thank you! This one's on its way to becoming a monster plant. If I may ask, what where some of the difficulties you encountered when growing this species?
  2. Cordulus

    Paph. godefroyae ´Gold Fish´X Paph. victoria-mariae #2

    I love weird, intersectional crosses like this one. You can definitely see the victoria-mariae influence on that dorsal, with the green gradient.
  3. Cordulus

    Paph. acmodontum

    Thanks! I'm definitely happy with this clone.
  4. Cordulus

    Paph. emersonii

    (Sib cross) A very beautiful and misunderstood species that has rapidly become my favorite Parvisepalum, if not my favorite species of slipper. As was the case with my fairrie, I was very hesitant to even buy this plant at first, but I caved after taking some time to learn how the species grows...
  5. Cordulus

    Paph. Fanaticum

    Pics are from earlier this year. I will openly admit that I'm obsessed with all things Parvi, especially micranthum crosses. You can't help but love that puffy pink bubblegum lip. I consider this one of the easiest of the parvi crosses to grow and bloom, and I'd recommend it as an...
  6. Cordulus

    Recent Blooms

    Very nice plants! I love the dual combo of pink and green. Mem. Professor Ken Seldman looks very similar to Envy Green (malipoense x primulinum), but with flushes of pink. I think I may just have to get myself one LOL
  7. Cordulus

    Cattleya labiata var. purpurea-striata ‘The Three Amigos’

    I'd call that a warneri trapped in a labiata's body LOL Beautiful plant. I love that rich lavender color.
  8. Cordulus

    Paph. fairrieanum

    "Mini Red" x "Centaur," not currently in bloom. I bought this one at a show (with a fair bit of trepidation) as a single-growth plant some years ago. I really wanted to try the species but was put off by all the horror stories it had amassed from growers. After giving it some serious thought, I...
  9. Cordulus

    Testing the waters

    Thank you! This has been a very friendly and inviting community so far...I love it.
  10. Cordulus

    (A very shy) Paph. Mint Chocolate

    Not currently in bloom; these are pics from a few months ago. The bud on this one developed very slowly and, for some reason, it didn't spread out all the way, despite having been open for three weeks at the time it was photographed. Despite the hiccup, however, the flower did provide a sneak...
  11. Cordulus

    Paph. Magic Lantern

    Greetings, and thanks! Thanks! This clone definitely has a lot of potential, and I can't wait to see how the flowers look on the next growth.
  12. Cordulus

    Paph. acmodontum

    Thanks! It's definitely taking its sweet time getting there! Something tells me I'm going to be waiting at least four more years for that to happen.
  13. Cordulus

    Paphiopedilum Lebaudyanum

    Very nice cross. I love the color combination on the flowers.
  14. Cordulus

    Testing the waters

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. And yes, the forum passes LOL
  15. Cordulus

    Paphiopedilum dayanum

    The flower has a sublime grace to it. I love the color combination of olive, raspberry, white, and lime.
  16. Cordulus

    Paph Arnie Linsman

    That is a gorgeous and well-grown plant! This cross reminds me of Paph. Helen Congleton. I'm definitely going to keep my eyes open for one to add to my collection.
  17. Cordulus

    Marlow Orchids closing...

    This is really sad to hear. It looked like things were starting to look up for them again and then this bombshell was dropped. They were a great business with a solid variety of plants. I hear Jonathan is going to work for Andy's now.
  18. Cordulus

    Paph. Magic Lantern

    One of my favorite Parvi crosses. This particular one is a first-bloom, single growth plant, and I can't wait for it to grow into a specimen. According to the grower, this one was made using delenatii var. dunkel as one of the parents. It seems like vigor is all across the board with this...
  19. Cordulus

    Testing the waters

    Thank you both! I'm excited to see everyone's awesome plants and pick up some cultural tips along the way. :)
  20. Cordulus

    Paph. acmodontum

    Good ol' reliable. I got this one from Orchid Dynasty down in Salt Lake City a few years ago, as a single-growth blooming size plant. Since then, it's been blooming like clockwork and always putting out strong growths. It currently has three mature growths and is working on a fourth this year -...