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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii Display (Japanese)

    Cymbidium goeringii Display (Japanese) at the March 2025 Southern Ontario Orchid Society (SOOS) meeting (Toronto, Canada). This display included plants from me and Flora Peculia. Grown in Toronto, Canada. Gyoku-ei: orange flower with lotus sepals (the tips of the sepals are folded) Fuji no...
  2. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii Display (Chinese)

    Cymbidium goeringii Display (Chinese) at the March 2025 Southern Ontario Orchid Society (SOOS) meeting (Toronto, Canada). This display included plants from me and Flora Peculia. Grown in Toronto, Canada. He Shen Mei: round sepals (plum sepal shape) with a distinctive yellow marking on the...
  3. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Sumonzan" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「守門山」

    Cymbidium goeringii "Sumonzan" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「守門山」It is interesting to see the formation of yellow tiger striping. Pictures taken in August, September, and October. In October, the yellow tiger striping really intensifies as described in the books, I think the striping will intensify more by...
  4. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Ikkyuu" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「一休」

    Cymbidium goeringii "Ikkyuu" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「一休」This is a cute, late blooming Cymbidium goeringii. This is a bean flower (martian flower) variety with plum petals and an alba lip. This concludes Cymbidium goeringii blooming season. Just like tulips, there are early, mid, and late blooming...
  5. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Da Tuan Yuan" (Chinese-Hybrid/Line Breeding?) 中國春蘭「大團圓 」

    Cymbidium goeringii "Da Tuan Yuan" (Hybrid/line breeding?) (Chinese variety) 中國春蘭「大團圓 」This is a hybrid or line breeding of unknown origin. This is a late blooming variety. When the plant received enough vernalization in the winter, it produces tall spikes with a symmetrical flower form. One of...
  6. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii (cut flowers)

    Cymbidium goeringii flowering season will soon come to an end (except late blooming varieties). Flowers are cut off after 2-3 weeks after they are fully opened so to save energy for future growths and flowering. Now you can continue enjoying your Cymbidium goeringii in a vase.
  7. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Haruka" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「春華」

    Cymbidium goeringii "Haruka" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「春華」I have the plant for 5 years, budded every year, I let it bloom for 3 years out of 5 years, I skipped 2 years in a row. This is one of my favourite Cym. goeringii varieties. Grown in Toronto, Canada.
  8. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Enshuukomachi" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「遠州小町」 (UPDATE March 17 2024).

    Cymbidium goeringii "Enshuukomachi" (Japanese) 日本春蘭「遠州小町」 (UPDATE March 17 2024). The second flower is fully opened now (the one in the back). The second flower has a much nicer orange than the first flower (in the front). The second flower has a much brighter an vibrant orange colour than the...
  9. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii Enshuukomachi (Japanese) 日本春蘭「遠州小町」

    Cymbidium goeringii Enshuukomachi (Japanese) 日本春蘭「遠州小町」Another classic cute orange clone. I will bring this plant to the TAOA meeting this weekend. Grown in Toronto, Canada.
  10. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii Taegeugseon (Korean variety) 한국춘란 태극선 韓国春蘭[太極扇] REPOST WITH BETTER PICTURES

    Cymbidium goeringii Taegeugseon (Korean variety) 한국춘란 태극선 韓国春蘭[太極扇] A multi colored variety. Orange flower with green marginal variegation. This is a classic Korean Cymbidium goeringii. Grown in Toronto, Canada. This is a repost with better pictures...
  11. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii Taegeugseon 한국춘란 태극선 韓国春蘭 [太極扇]

    Cymbidium goeringii Taegeugseon 한국춘란 태극선 韓国春蘭[太極扇] (Korean variety). A multi colored Cymbidium goeringii variety. Orange flower with a green marginal pattern. A classic Korean variety. Grown in Toronto, Canada
  12. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii Zhang He Su (Chinese) 中國春蘭「張荷素」

    Cymbidium goeringii Zhang He Su (Chinese) 中國春蘭「張荷素」One of the Chinese traditional Cymbidium goeringii alba varieites with lotus sepals. The definition for "alba" form of an East Asian Cymbidiums is different than Western orchids such as your Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Paphiopedilum...
  13. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Akagiyama (Japanese variety) 日本春蘭「赤城山」

    Cymbidium goeringii Akagiyama (Japanese variety) 日本春蘭「赤城山」tiger striping variety. Green flower with horizontal lateral sepals. Has a poor smell compared to Chinese Cymbidium goeringii as expected.
  14. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii "Kourin" 日本春蘭「光琳」

    Cymbidium goeringii ‘Kourin’ (Japanese variety) 日本春蘭「光琳」February 9 2024. This is a Japanese Cymbidium goeringii that produces orange flowers. A wildtype Cymbidium goeringii produces green flowers. This is an early blooming variety. The flower buds are produced every year at the end of July/early...
  15. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii buds (Merry Christmas)

    Cymbidium goeringii: Buds all look fresh and juicy, here are 4 out of 20 varieties that have buds. The room goes down as low as 6C nightly before vernalization. Just started vernalization a couple of days ago, the temperature needs to go down a little bit more. Still has a long way to go but I...
  16. jokerpass

    Cattleya percivaliana

    Cattleya percivaliana. An easy to grow Cattleya species, a reliable bloomer, blooms every year before Christmas. The only thing about this Cattleya is its smell, it is not very pleasant.
  17. jokerpass

    Paphiopedilum victoria-reginae

    Paphiopedilum victoria-reginae
  18. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii winter indoor room

    Cymbidium goeringii are moved into the "goeringii room" in Flora Peculia's growing space until next April. Right now, they are growing in a intermediate/cool condition @ around 15C, will adjust the temp down to between 0C-10C after Winter Solstice until they bloom. There are more than 15 Cym...
  19. jokerpass

    Cymbidium goeringii flower bud compare and contrast

    One more week before I bring Cymbidium goeringii indoor. Very excited to see that most of the flower buds have reached its size, looking like little bamboo shoots. The flower sheaths look fresh and the buds look full (inside the sheath). The buds remain this size and will only start getting...
  20. jokerpass

    Cattleya dormaniana

    Cattleya dormaniana: blooming second year in a row. Easy to grow but a rare Cattleya species in cultivation. Maximum 2 flowers per spike. Love the star-shaped flowers with unusual colours. I just inherited a 3rd Cattleya dormaniana (a semialba) added to my collection.