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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Koka_Khola

    Amazon Spheres - February Blooms

    I was lucky enough to get a reservation to visit the Amazon Spheres in Seattle today and just so happened to catch most of the Paphs/Phrags in bloom!
  2. Koka_Khola

    Wanted Phalaenopsis Species

    Hi Everyone, I have been on a quest for a while now for the following Phals and am hoping someone has any they'd like to sell or has any leads as to where I might find any of these. I appreciate any help with this search! - Phalaenopsis philippinensis - Phalaenopsis amabilis - Phalaenopsis...
  3. Koka_Khola

    Transporting Orchids From a Show

    Hi everyone, I recently just found out I will be in Florida during the upcoming Fall Orchid Festival at Krull-Smith. I’m going to be visiting from Washington State and was wondering if I could bring anything back with me? If so, are there any particular regulations I need to watch for? Also how...
  4. Koka_Khola

    Paph. Fair Fred x liemianum

    The first flower came out much lighter in color and with twisted petals.
  5. Koka_Khola

    Banded Yellowing of Phrag Leaves

    Hi everyone - this is an unknown Phrag that I have had for approximately a year now. It’s potted in a mix of bark, small leca, and some tree fern fiber. I repotted sometime in August and the root growth was great. I noticed this odd yellowing sometime in November and thought it may have been...
  6. Koka_Khola

    Phragmipedium Pepe Portilla

    This is a first bloom on a new Phrag hybrid from Ecuagenera. I believe it’s supposed to be Phrag. Yelva Myre x kovachiI. The color is nice - I hope the next bloom has better form.
  7. Koka_Khola

    Wine Cooler Conversion

    Hi all, I did some searching on the forums and noticed a couple of mentions by folks about converting a wine/beverage cooler into a terrarium for cool growing orchids. I was wondering if anyone could share their experience with the process? In particular, how do y’all do the wiring? Is it...
  8. Koka_Khola

    Paph. micranthum fma. singchianum

    Hi everyone — this is not my image but someone in one of my Vietnamese Paph Facebook groups posted this photo. I have never seen this variety of micranthum before and am curious if anyone is familiar with a micranthum like this? Disclaimer: Photo and plant is not mine. This was originally...
  9. Koka_Khola

    Paph. villosum Brown Spots

    Hi Everyone, I just received this orchid from a relatively well known eBay seller and it has some brown spots on its leaves. I’m not sure if this is sun damage or perhaps water was left on the leaf for an extended time? Does anyone have any idea if this is just cosmetic or is it something more...
  10. Koka_Khola

    Hello From Seattle!

    Hi everyone! I have been a longtime lurker of this forum and finally decided I should just make an account. I have only grown orchids for the past 5 years (primarily Disas, Phals, and a handful of Phrags) but I've recently gotten into paphs. My family comes from the border of...