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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Nelson Wong

    Phrag Tate Olsen "Sunshine Rioja" AM/AOS

    Took me 5 years to learn how to raise phrags and 2 years to bloom this Phrag Tate Olson. I spent years asking for advice from Rob Halgren - water it more, Phrags like water. Dennis Steinbeck - Oh More water. And give it some k-lite, it does wonders. To Russ Vernon - drown it in water, let...
  2. Nelson Wong

    How to differentiate between 2N, 3N and 4N?

    How do we know or differentiate if an orchid is a 2n, 3n, or 4n? are there any characteristics? or do we have to actually do a test?
  3. Nelson Wong

    Phrag Tate Olson

    After 6 years I have finally managed to get a phrag to bloom! I learned that phrags require 2-3 times the amount of water of paphs, infact, let it sit on water. I actually have 3 other phrags with spike, but I cut them because the plant is so young and small. This Phrag Tate Olson i got...
  4. Nelson Wong

    Paph Shin-yi Tiger x Michael Koopowitz

    I got this from someone on this forum little over 2 years ago. It last bloomed in 2022. When I received it, it had some damaged leaves, but strong root system. I just kept nursing it. 250 ppfd, 72-86F. Regular watering with fertilizer. And it finally bloomed. It had really long petals...
  5. Nelson Wong

    Surprise Paph rothschildianum x sib (Knight Sunshine SM/JOGA x Taratula GM/JGP in Bud

    I have had quite a bit of success this year blooming lots of hybrids and crosses, but always struggled with blooming species. I got 2 of this roth cross from Tony Casler last year who bought it from Sam Tsui when he retired. Both were in bad shape when Tony bought it from Sam and sent it to...
  6. Nelson Wong

    Wanted Paph chamberlainianum

    I am looking for a good chamberlainianum division or just the whole plant :) Trying to do a remake of long lost hybrid
  7. Nelson Wong

    Question on Paph Flowering time and pollen harvesting

    Hi Experts! I have several paph flowering right now and harvested some pollen and noticed a few things that I would like all you experts weigh in. I harvested some paph pollen last week, no pollination at all, and the flower decided to drop this week. Is it normal for the flower to drop...
  8. Nelson Wong

    Why are there not more Complex Paph crossed with Rothschildianum or Sanderianum?

    I just have a question. I always see lots of complex paphs, primary hybrids with roths or other maudiae types. But there are rarely any complex paphs hybridized with rothschildianum or roth primary hybrids. Is there a reason why breeders do not hybridize complex paphs with multifloral...
  9. Nelson Wong

    My Paph blooms this spring

    I have been growing paphiopedilum towards 4 years now and they are finally rewarding me with larger and consistent flowers. Currently I am using a 3/4 teaspoon 20-20-25 (Schultz) + 2 drops of concentrate 8-14-9 in 1/2 gallon milk jug with 1 water wash per month and it has worked out pretty...
  10. Nelson Wong

    Is phelps farm closed?

    I tried to go on their website and it is no longer available and no one picks up my calls. Can any
  11. Nelson Wong

    Paph sukhakulii x sugiyamanum

    Just a cute little flower. Really love the spots and the color
  12. Nelson Wong

    Paph. Miao hua Golden Venus x Cocoa jollix med

    This I got from Dennis from flask and flora, bloomed 2 days ago, but the flower still seem closed My question for everyone is this - the flower doesn't seem to open fully like the others. Does it just take time for the petals to fully open?
  13. Nelson Wong

    Paphiopedilum King of Sweden

    Here is a Paph. King of Sweden I got from flask and flora. It was hit by a few mealy bugs several times throughout the bud developing, hence the damage and also the reason why it took 3+ months to bloom. But the colors are so pretty and the flower is huge! About 4inch across and 4inch dorsal...
  14. Nelson Wong

    Question regarding Procedures for Orchid diseases

    If you suspect there is a virus outbreak in your orchids. What are your procedures? Because I think I might have either a fungal or viral outbreak in my orchids. It has been isolated to just the lower deck of the orchids and the rest are fine. The suspected infected ones have be separated and...
  15. Nelson Wong

    Paph Carolines Hands (moquetteanum x rothschildianum)

    Hi all So I have a Paph moquetteanum x rothschildianum. I have had it for over 2 and a half years now. And I know it is ready to bloom. It has all the signs, but nothing yet. In fact, it started putting out new leaves in it's new growth. I did repot it this year around march. So I am...
  16. Nelson Wong

    Zygopetalum bloom after 2 years!

    I am new to terrestrial orchids about 3 to 4 years in. 2 years ago I bought a zygopetalum. It was $45, in an over grown 5 inch pot with over 10 pseudobulbs. I thought i scored the best deal ever! I have never had zygopetalums before and watered and use the same substrate as my Paphs, which can...
  17. Nelson Wong

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    So I want to ask everyone - On average, how much do you all spending on orchids (this includes substrate and new plants) each year? and how many orchids do you have at home. I will start first. I spend approximately $700 a year on orchids each year usually $500 is on new plants and the rest are...