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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Phrag. Sedenii "Candidum"

    Second year of growing this plant. This flower is bud number 4. One more to bloom at top of spike, with a side spike developing.
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    No label sarcochilus. Looks like Sarcochilus Hartmannii. Whatever it is, I'm pleased with the flowers.
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    Paph Satin Smoke

    Got this plant last year when it was flowering in November. It flowered again this year but a bit earlier. This is the second flower (the previous dropped last week). One more bud to go.
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    Paph callosum

    Bloomed 3 weeks ago. Only recently identified as Paph callosum. I've had this for many years without ID. Does this look like a callosum or something else?
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    Gongora Grossa in bloom

    Got this from a local orchid society last year. First time blooming a Gongora for me. They look like little dragons and have so much texture in the flower.
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    Hello from Australia

    I am in Sydney, orchid obsession started from having inherited some No ID orchids from my parents, which include a small collection of paphs. I've been keeping them for about 9 years. Recently started expanding my paphs and general orchids collection to get some name tagged specimens. My...