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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. SlipperKing

    Annual Summer Workshop-Houston

    Our own Ross Hella of Deerwood Orchids will be giving us great information on teacup Paph breeding. Many of you probably know Thanh from Springwater Orchids. He will elaborate on cutting edge breeding coming from overseas. Especially some of newest species and their influences in breeding...
  2. SlipperKing

    Paph Bel Royal 'My Immortal ' AM/AOS

    85pt AM Last wkend at the HJC
  3. SlipperKing


    One of 3 I picked up from Ten Shin. I took a chance on a F2 cross of PEOY. I also picked up aF2 Lady Isobel which hasn't bloomed yet. I think this plant has great potential with maturity.
  4. SlipperKing

    Paph Kemp Tower 'Aubrey' AM

    PEOY x philippinense, bought this plant in 2011 and received an AM in 2014. Named after my oldest daughter. I think this is the first time for 5 flowers.
  5. SlipperKing

    Paph. Michael Koopowitz

    One from Sam during his closeout sale.
  6. SlipperKing

    Paph stonei #2

    A second plant opened. More color than the first but not as open.
  7. SlipperKing

    Paph stonei

    More from Sam's going out of business sales. Four flowers is pretty good. 'The Best x 'Red Pouch', the pouch could of been stronger red but I still like it. I do have a second stonei just opening from Sam with 3, will post later
  8. SlipperKing

    Paph callosum flame type

    From Sam as part of his going out of business sales. What does everyone think? It's 'Huge Waves x 'Twilight King
  9. SlipperKing

    Paph rothschildianum 'JAR'

    Finally bloomed a half decent roth. Although I didn't initiate the spike, Sam did.
  10. SlipperKing

    Something Magical

    About to happen.
  11. SlipperKing

    Paph argus

    Kinda cute
  12. SlipperKing

    Paph hennisianum

    An Orchid Inn plant
  13. SlipperKing

    Paph philippinense

    One i picked up from Sam, Orchid Inn. Incredible twists to the petals. Incredible staminode on this species as well.
  14. SlipperKing

    Phrag ecuadorence 'Si'

    I got a small division of this clone back in 2009. It has been a tough plant to bloom. Only once has it bloomed with more than one spike and was probably 2010. Angela and I have discussed this clone in the past of giving up and moving on. Now, thirteen years later I think I found the secret to...
  15. SlipperKing

    Paph exul

    A very reliable bloomer
  16. SlipperKing

    Paph callosum

    Colorful flower, enjoy
  17. SlipperKing

    Paph barbatum x2

    Two barbatum blooming for their first time. IMHO, true to type
  18. SlipperKing

    Paph philippinense

    A plant from Sam, Orchidinn, blooming for the first time for me.
  19. SlipperKing

    Paph liemianum 'Halo'

    Blooming again after nearly loosing it
  20. SlipperKing

    Paph Petula's Enchantment
