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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Paphman910

    Paphiopedilum niveum in Bloom

    First bloom for me grown from flask, Paphman
  2. Paphman910

    Cattleya CG Roebling

    Opened just a few days ago!
  3. Paphman910

    Phal bellina coerula

    Bloom just opened 2 days ago!
  4. Paphman910

    Paphiopedilum vietnamense "Mighty Purple" x "Colossus" Deflasking

    December 29, 2022 Deflasked seedlings in compot: September 16, 2023: After repot: The pattern on the leaves are beginning to look really neat, I need to put them further away from my lights as it is really bright!
  5. Paphman910

    For Sale Orchids for sale - Canada Only

    For Sale (CANADA ONLY) Paphiopedilum niveum - 3 inch leafspan - $30 CDN Paphiopedilum delenatii - 3 inch leafspan - $30 CDN Paphiopedilum rothschildianum NBS - 16 inch leafspan - $100 CDN Paphiopediilum stonei 'Tessa' 1 BS and 1 new growth $250.00 CDN Paphiopediilum stonei 'Tessa' 1 BS $100...
  6. Paphman910

    Paph. godefroyae

  7. Paphman910

    For Sale Paph delenatii seedlings

    For Sale $125 + shipping in CANADA ONLY. Please PM for more information.
  8. Paphman910

    Cattleya walkeriana coerula - Flowering March 30, 2022

    Flowered last year April 28, 2021! It will be very fragrant in a few days! Enjoy!
  9. Paphman910

    Paph. stonei

    Got this plant as a seedling in late 2007 and has flowered many times! About 5 years ago, I pruned the roots to fit in a smaller pot and it resented the repotting process. Got it to flower last year and now it is in flower again.
  10. Paphman910

    Cattleya xdolosa "Pendentive"

    Fully opened today and it smells nice. Took 3 days! Paphman910
  11. Paphman910

    Cattleya xdolosa "Pendentive" AM/AOS

    wrong section
  12. Paphman910

    Guarianthe(cattleya) skinneri var occulata alba

    Blooming at the moment and extremely vigorous and many flower spikes developing!
  13. Paphman910

    Cattleya walkeriana coerulea - First Flowering - Disappointing!

    First flowering of Cattleya walkeriana coerulea this morning. Got it 2 years ago and just opened today
  14. Paphman910

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum 'Dou Fong' x Z2135

    Imported orchid from iweyshen many years ago. For sale $250. has 2 growths plus a new start. Leafspan is 36 inches across. Pick up or shipping within Canada only.
  15. Paphman910

    Fdk After Dark "Black Pearl"

    Flowering size plant. For sale at $75.00. Newest bulb is 7 inches high. Pick up or shipping within Canada only.
  16. Paphman910

    Mexipedilum xerophyticum

    Repotted last year and it has 2 new leads in an 8 inch pot. Selling for $150.00 Pick up or shipping within Canada only.
  17. Paphman910

    Paphiopedilum godedfroyae

    Recently repotted and for sale at $40.00 Pick up or shipping within Canada only. It is 7 inches leafspan single growth.
  18. Paphman910

    Paph philippinense 2016

    A division from a friend who only flowered in once or twice in over 25+ year from his specimen plant