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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    We have posted a new list: Paph Paradise Flask list Slippertalk members will receive 10% off the list price.
  2. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    Not a huge list but some interesting things. Also we have been adding new seedlings to the online store almost daily lately. Paph Paradise flask page
  3. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise coming to NCOS Paph Forum

    Last minute change of plans! I will be in Maryland at the Paph Forum on Saturday. You have about 12 hours or so to get any pre-orders in. They are due at noon Eastern time on January 16th. Looking forward to seeing many of you there. Dave
  4. Paph Paradise

    New flask list at Paph Paradise

    I just posted a new list. We can hold flasks if you are in a cold area, even if we have to deflask them and send compots in the spring. Paph Paradise flask page
  5. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new Flask List

    Our new flask list is posted. There are some really nice complex crosses. Paph Paradise flask page
  6. Paph Paradise

    24 hour Flash Flask sale!

    Flash flask sale (say that 5 times fast). Time to pot up the current inventory and make room for new material. I also don't like running the extra lights when it's hot in the summer. All in stock flasks are 20% off until 8:00 AM Pacific time August 2nd. After that we are potting them all up...
  7. Paph Paradise

    Updated flask list at Paph Paradise

    We added a few new items to the flask list. June flask list There were a couple crosses that surprised me by producing any seed, let alone enough to have extra flasks to sell. The Cascading Henry x liemianum 'Paph Paradise' FCC/AOS, for example. Cascading Henry has glaucophyllum, sanderianum...
  8. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new spring flask list

    We posted a modest offering of flasks that will be here over the Memorial Day weekend. Sorry...the armeniacum are already sold out! spring flask list
  9. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise February Flask list

    A few new items have been added...some fall under the 'WOW' category! Macabre Illusion x Hawaiian Volcano should produce flowers with petals ranging from deep red to black. There are a couple other black petaled crosses as well as Paradise Gem x Lucky Charms, our two best teacups. Paph...
  10. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise flask sale

    For the next 2 weeks take 20% off our list prices. We want to clear the shelves before it cools off too much. Whatever isn't sold will be potted up in 2 weeks. Some items are in very limited quantities. Paph Paradise flask page
  11. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise/Tokyo Orchids Fall flask lists

    We have a new flask list posted as of today including some interesting new crosses and Paphiopedilum tigrinum! Also a new list from Tokyo Orchid Nursery. Check them out here: Fall 2022 flask lists
  12. Paph Paradise

    New flask list at Paph Paradise

    We don't usually receive much material from the lab in the summer, but we have a few new items. There are a couple of exceptional rothschildianum crosses among them. Flask page The roth flasks are also listed separately on this page: roth flasks These flasks will only be listed for a month...
  13. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    Our new list is now posted. We lost about 75 crosses trying various labs across the country, but we have a good supply of new material on its way. You can find our flaks list here: Spring 2022 flask list
  14. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. furling (???)

    There isn't much information out there on this potential variety. The staminodal shield does differ slightly from hirsutissimum. We will sib a couple plants and see how stable this is in the next generation. Dave
  15. Paph Paradise

    New flask list at Paph Paradise

    We finally have some new things to offer. There has been a dry period while we searched for a new lab. Over 70 pods went into 'black holes' as we sent material all over the country...that's too many lost crosses! Now we have a reliable producer for our flasks and the availability list is...
  16. Paph Paradise

    Last call...Paph Guild 2022

    Discounted registration ends Wednesday for the Paph Guild in Ventura, CA January 15-16, 2022. Great speakers and vendors, banquet and auction. Register at the link below. Paph Guild 2022
  17. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale

    We posted a few deals for the weekend: Sales and deals Also, as we transition to our new lab we have a limited flask offering with 30% off listed prices. This weekend only! Paph Paradise Flask list
  18. Paph Paradise

    Paph Guild 2022

    Registration is now open for Paph Guild 2022. The meeting will take place January 15-16 in Ventura, California. Just a short drive to the orchid nurseries in Santa Barbara. The event is in a fairly large room so there will be plenty of space for social distancing. Details and registration...
  19. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum Paradise in Burgundy

    First one to bloom this season. This is a cross of (After James x King Charles). Paph After James is a huge Maudiae hybrid from the Orchid Zone. King Charles is 75% charlesworthii and 25% Hellas. I'm very happy with the outcome of this cross.
  20. Paph Paradise

    Flask list updated

    We have added a few new items to the flask list, including Paph Johanna Burkhardt, Paph lowii albescent x album and a new Phrag hybrid. Paph Paradise flasks