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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Kyle

    For Sale Olaf's Paph (Vol. I & II), Phrag and Phal books for sale. *NEW*

    Hello, Olaf Gruss sent me a small quantity of his books to sell at shows in North America. I am down to the last few copies of each. I have the following available at the following prices. 2x Phalaenopsis, The Genus in the World - $175 USD 1x Paphiopedilum Volume 1 - $125 USD 1x...
  2. Kyle

    Paph Shining World x Mingo

    I picked up this paph in 2007 from Durbash Orchids in Germany. The form was better on its first blooming. I am growing it very cool (low teens C). Maybe thats the problem. But it is a fast grower and free bloomer. And when I bought it in 2007 Kyle
  3. Kyle

    Phrag Michel Tremblay

    A cross between Hanne Popow and fischeri. It came from JP Faust Kyle
  4. Kyle

    Paph charlesworthii

    This charlesworthii came from Joe Kunish at Bloomfield Orchids. I am happy with it, but would welcome some critisim. Kyle
  5. Kyle

    Paph helenea 'Lana Marie' HCC/AOS

    One of my Paph helenea was awarded a 75 point HCC at the Foothills Orchid Society last weekend. This is the its second blooming. The blooming growth has a leaf span of five inches. It was a nice show and it was nice to meet YoyoJo and others. Kyle
  6. Kyle

    Any recognize this album cover?

    Hi! This is a little off topic to me, but I relize some people on this forum must like indie/college rock... A friend of mine is having a contest to see who can recognize this album cover. I remember seeing it, but no idea where, or who it is. Any help?
  7. Kyle

    Ants in my lawn - How to kill?

    I bought a house in October last year. There are a few ant hill in my lawn. I want them gone. I've tried dumping gallons of water on thier home, but they keep bouncing back. I haven't tried any of the 'big guns', yet. I went shopping for a commercial ant killer, but found all the ones at...
  8. Kyle

    Phrag replate media

    does anyone have a recipe for a good replate media for phrags? I have to replate some little guys this weekend. Generally the media I use now, doesn't encourage phrags to grow lots of roots. Also, what pH should I use? I use P668 as a base. Thanks.
  9. Kyle

    3 Restripia species

    I'm over loaded with Restripias! To bad they only last about a week. R. condorensis R. musifera R. trichoglossa
  10. Kyle

    Paph coccinium

  11. Kyle

    Paph concolor

    In S/H. Being moved to bark when the bloom fades. Sorry, S/H it has been a bumpy ride. I took some pictures so I will never forget the time we shared... Kyle
  12. Kyle

    Paph primulinum x helenea alba

    Bigger then helenea, but still small. Kyle
  13. Kyle

    Paph spicerianum

    After growing 2 of these from small seedlings, they are now starting to bloom. I almost took theme to my society auction in October. This is the first one, the other is a couple of weeks behind. Not the best shape or size, but I like that the stem is erect and able to hold the flower up...
  14. Kyle

    Creative Gardening - Phrag pearcii

    These pictures aren't mine, but they are so unique and perfect I had to share them. If they are yours, I apologize and will remove them if you like. I found these pictures when I was cleaning up one of Ecuageneras computer. Lots of times tourists will use Ecuageneras computers to take...
  15. Kyle

    Mexipedium Culture

    I got a mexipedium last weekend. Paid through the nose for it (I traded to much for it, but thats another story...). It has one mature growth, one semi mature growth and a start about an inch long. I would like to know how others are successfully growing it. I've looked through all the old...
  16. Kyle

    Paph. helenae

    Here is my first helenae to bloom. I have another in low bud. Color isn't as good as others I've seen, but my plant room has been very warm lately. I guess it really is helenae season! Kyle
  17. Kyle

    My Grow Room

    Here are some pictures of my grow area. First two years ago, before I went to Ecuador Last week I built some shelves becasue I thought it would give more room... Today after I moved all the plants in. Sadly, there wasn't enough room. I think I lost room. I need to build a...
  18. Kyle

    The best besseae cross

    The best besseae cross? I have the opportunity to buy some seedlings from Sam Tsui of the recent OZ besseae crosses. What crosses produce the best quality progeny? I know LittleFrog has gotten a couple awarded and Lien has flowered dozens. Heather is somewhat of a besseae aficionado...
  19. Kyle

    Phrag besseae in situ photos

    As promised, here are pictures of two different besseae sites I have been to in Ecuador. the first one is the Paute site. The Paute River runs through Ecuador, these plants are found on the hill/cliffs about the river. These pictures were taken about a month ago. These...
  20. Kyle

    Hungarian Ochid Show Oct 20-23

    I think there are some members on this board from Hungary... I will working the Ecuagenera booth at the orchid show this weekend. Swing by and say HI! I would love to meet some forum-ites! Kyle