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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. N

    Help with disease ID on paphiopedilum philipinensis

    Hi guys , please help with id. Spreading rapidly . Removed leave and stabbed with cinnamon. . Any treatment options ?
  2. N

    Paphiopedilum stonei

    Small bark/ large bark/ perlite and large pumice , initially yearly repot , slowing to 2 yearly
  3. N

    Paphiopedilum stonei

    Hi there ! I got it as an advance seedling about 30 cm total leave span, It has now doubled in size . The pot is 15cm deep( for reference )
  4. N

    Paphiopedilum stonei

    Hi there ! I got it as an advance seedling about 30 cm total leave span, It has now doubled in size . The pot is 10cm deep( for reference )
  5. N

    Paphiopedilum stonei

    Paphiopedilum stonei , Taiwanese breeding . Huge plant . Flowering for the first time
  6. N

    Sold as Paphiopedilum kolopakingii, could it be paphiopedilum temptation instead ?

    Update: definitely not kolopakingii , petals are about 12 cm long