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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Phrag. Sedenii "Candidum"

    Flower from the side branch has bloomed. The flower from the main spike usually drops off when the next flower blooms but this one has yet to drop off as a result. Rare to see two flowers at the same time on this plant.
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    Phrag. Sedenii "Candidum"

    Second year of growing this plant. This flower is bud number 4. One more to bloom at top of spike, with a side spike developing.
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    No label sarcochilus. Looks like Sarcochilus Hartmannii. Whatever it is, I'm pleased with the flowers.
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    Paph Satin Smoke

    Got this plant last year when it was flowering in November. It flowered again this year but a bit earlier. This is the second flower (the previous dropped last week). One more bud to go.
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    Paph callosum

    Bloomed 3 weeks ago. Only recently identified as Paph callosum. I've had this for many years without ID. Does this look like a callosum or something else?
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    Gongora Grossa in bloom

    Got this from a local orchid society last year. First time blooming a Gongora for me. They look like little dragons and have so much texture in the flower.
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    Hello from Australia

    I haven't yet. The meeting times are difficult to make sure to work schedules. I've been to some local orchids shows by the societies!
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    Hello from Australia

    I am in Sydney, orchid obsession started from having inherited some No ID orchids from my parents, which include a small collection of paphs. I've been keeping them for about 9 years. Recently started expanding my paphs and general orchids collection to get some name tagged specimens. My...