Summer days get into the lower/mid 70s in the cool room, nights I _try_ to get down to the mid-50s, but sometimes only down to the lower 60s. WInter days up to 70-72, nights usually 52-55º.
Hybrid of hangianum x malipoense. Two large, 6.25 inch fragrant flowers on one inflorescence, first time bloom for this one, which has unusually wide leaves, 6" long but 3" wide. Is this normal for these or a possible indication of polyploidy?
Slowly, lol. I keep it moist and warm in medium light. It's in a deep plastic 2.5" pot in a mix of fine bark, perlite and ahnd chopped sphagnum, fertilized every 2-3x/month, less in winter.
I've bloomed two of these and they came out almost identical. Large (7-8" flowers) with burgundy striping on a greenish background. Photo backgrounds make a huge difference in color perception. Medium-sized plants with 12-14" leafspans.
Three-growth plant of this great hybrid of malipoense and rothschildianum with a 14" leafspan. NOT currently in spike or bloom. Plant and flower pics are of exact plant for sale. $75 plus $15 shipping U.S. only, priority mail (AK + HI additional shipping applies). Paypal only, immediate payment...
One growth plant with new growth coming, currently in bloom, with a 12" leafspan. Great hybrid of malipoense and rothschildianum. Plant & flower pics are of exact plant for sale. $75 plus $15 shipping U.S. only, priority mail (AK + HI additional shipping applies). Paypal only, immediate payment...