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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. baodai

    Thank You Chuck Acker

    I purchased flasks from him. Really nice person to talk to Bd
  2. baodai

    Thank You Chuck Acker

    Thank You again Baodai
  3. baodai

    Phrag ???

    From Chuck Acker Thanks, BD
  4. baodai

    A candy :) Paph. canhii

    Killing wide life, cutting trees, burn the forest for land... It kills more plants (including orchid) than wide collection plants .... Stop blaming only the local collection please, government's killing more plants than you can think of
  5. baodai

    A candy :) Paph. canhii

    say whatever you want, the fact is: you can't stop people do what they want to do. In Vietnam, everything on the public (forest, ocean, public land) is fair game (doesn't matter small, big). There are laws, but if you get catch there's slab on the face (fine). You can (what if) forever if you...
  6. baodai

    best wishes for our queens member eric m

    Glad you are doing fine. Get well soon Eric BD
  7. baodai

    Paphiopedilum vietnamense

    Canh can take you for orchid hunt also Rick, Would you like to go? BD
  8. baodai

    What is this bug?

    Hi Eric, Too many pots to repot. I can see them from my clear pot specially on my clivia pot ... I just hate hate them ... I can deal with mealybug but not this one BD
  9. baodai

    What is this bug?

    yes and they love to destroy my fir bar
  10. baodai

    What is this bug?

    What is this bug? and how to kill them Thanks, BD
  11. baodai

    Lycaste ID please

    Thank you all BD
  12. baodai

    Lycaste ID please

    Hello, Can't figure out the name of this one, Can someone ID it? and do you have any for sale? Thanks, BD
  13. baodai

    Phrag Elfin's Candy#2

    Don't know about you guy/gal, but this plant sharp remind me about paph hangianum BD
  14. baodai

    The Sorcerer and me!

    Rick, Now, I want a division of that, whenever you want to divide Thanks, BD
  15. baodai

    Can some one please tell me?

    In Vietnam, anything from forest, ocean, (wild life) is a fair game. You can catch a fish from the ocean and it doesn't matter how small it is, you can have it. There're birds if you can catch them, their are your to keep. There's a book Called "So Do" red book (endanger species). If you get...
  16. baodai

    Can some one please tell me?

    It is a bit too late now. They destroy forest faster than "water fall". The Goverment makes more money by using forest land for other bussiness. Do you think they want to collect peny BD
  17. baodai

    P. argus

    nice Clivia, how many do you have? BD
  18. baodai

    Looking for stanhopea

    Hi Eric, your hirss is growing like weed, Don't ask me count how many are they now, I can tell you it is in 6" pot. It has 2 flowers, but next year you will get at least 10. (it has about 10 when i put your name on it). Thank you MSU Your name also on this little one. It flowered i would say...
  19. baodai

    Looking for stanhopea

    Rick, To please 3 girls in the house, (so I can $pend more). I need something that flower this summer Eric, I'm here for NH orchid Show. then, I will hit the jungle again. BTW your paph hirrissssss (they large pot I save for you will have 2 flowers this year, I will take a picture later on...