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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Phred

    Paphiopedilum Love Helen

    This is Paphiopedilum Love Helen (Paph helenae x Paph Sorcerers Love) This is a couple first time bloomers. So far most of the plants are small... 2 1/4" rose pots.
  2. Phred

    Paphioledilum Microchip

    RHS allows hybrids made with accepted varieties to be registered... that is in compliance with your condition #1. As for people making mistakes... it can happen either way Not only does RHS see this as a legitimate hybrid as registered... they also contacted Wenqing to make sure she did not...
  3. Phred

    Paphioledilum Microchip

    Thank you mrhappyrotter... I did make this cross. It most certainly should matter... if it different enough from the species crosses should be kept track of as such. There are four excepted varieties of villosum. If you cross them back and forth you not only lose the characteristics of the...
  4. Phred

    Cattleya walkeriana 'Dayane Wenzel' HCC/AOS x 'SVO Whopper' AM/AOS

    Very nice flower... looks like it might be a flamea. I know there are some who have more walkeriana than I do but I have more than 130 clones and 100's of seedlings. I say this only because it's given me a lot to observe. I give them a rest from fertilizer Nov through February but I do not...
  5. Phred

    paph munchkin ojo the lucky

    Hello I've bloomed a number of these before I started selling them. Frequently three sequential blooms. They come in pink also.
  6. Phred

    Paphioledilum Microchip

    This is Paphiopedilum Microchip (Paph villosum var laichaunum 'Lilly HCC/AOS x helenae) Mini Paph so far the size of helenae. The flowers are bigger than helenae flowers and resemble the pod parent more than the pollen parent although you can definitely tell it's a helenae cross. Several...
  7. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Pieces of Eight' CCM/AOS

    I don't know that it's a secret but I let them dry out and then water well. helenae do best for me if I don't water until the pot is 'light' then water real well. Keeping them "Evenly Moist" does not wok for me.
  8. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Pirate Booty' AM/AOS (84pts)

    Thanks for all the nice comments everybody. I attendvthe Carolinas judging center. They did well for me in Jersey under lights also... They're just older now.
  9. Phred

    First Time Cattleya walkeriana coerulea Bloom

    I got the as a small $15 seedling from Floralia about 3 or so years ago. I like the color and the lip. I think it's a good first bloom. Dorsal is a little crooked but should be good next time around. Can't wait until all the other's start to bloom.
  10. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Pirate Booty' AM/AOS (84pts)

    I got an 84 pt AM/AOS on this Paph helenae Saturday also.
  11. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Pieces of Eight' CCM/AOS

    I went to judging again this last Saturday while I still had several Paphiopedilum helenae in bloom. I got CCM/AOS on this one... 7 flowers.
  12. Phred

    Cattleya walkeriana 'Honolulu Blue'

    First time blooming of this division. Not a perfect flower. Was going to bring it to judging for the fun of it but saw a tiny spot on one petal.
  13. Phred

    your oldest orchids

    I still have the first Paphiopedilum... Paph wardii. I was invited to a private orchid event at A World of Orchids in 1996 and picked this up as a tiny bare root seedling. Here's what it looked like in 2014. I've given many pieces away over the years but still have one for myself.
  14. Phred

    Airdale Terrier Puppies

    A girls day out enjoying a play date with their dad...
  15. Phred

    Airdale Terrier Puppies

    5 girls left... I have my eye on one of them
  16. Phred

    Airdale Terrier Puppies

    I've been very busy on the 'Farm' and finally am getting a chance to post something about our litter of Airdale Terrier puppies born in August. 10 puppies... 3 boys and 7 girls. They are so much fun.
  17. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Solar Flare' AM/AOS (82 pts)

    Here's the award form for this helenae.
  18. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Gold Rush' AM/AOS (80 pts)

    Hey Tom-DE I grow these in Orchiata and horticultural pumice. I'm growing in a greenhouse now so it's 1/3 small bark (Precision) to 2/3 medium (Power) with a little pumice. When I grew under lights I grew in Orchiata Precision and a little pumice. I water very heavily whenever they're dry...
  19. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Gold Rush' AM/AOS (80 pts)

    Here's a photo of the award form
  20. Phred

    Paphiopedilum helenae 'Solar Flare' AM/AOS (82 pts)

    This is the second of two Paph helenae that got awarded at judging Saturday. Very nice dorsal sepal for a helenae... surprised they didn't score it higher.