
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya purpurata coerulea striata (Werkhauseri)

    It’s purpurata season as seen in recent posts! I have my blue striata in bloom, up to 5 flowers on one spike. Very commanding height and stature. NS 15.5 cm. Also grown by DavidB. The coerulea variety is named the Werkhauseri, though it’s more appropriate as a horticultural variety.
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Phalaenopsis javanica coerulea Spotted at WOC!!

    I was excited to see the coerulea version of javanica offered at WOC24 Taiwan at the Prince Orchid booth and snatched a few away. Yellow tepals with a blue tinge lip. Possible albas too in this selfing. Seems so ethereal! What say you?
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya trianae coerulea flamea (pincelada)

    Finally fully stretched to NS 15.5 cm. Hard to really pinpoint coerulea until you see it side by side with the lavender of the jenmanii. The flamea is considered pincelada because it it like small brush strokes rather than a full splash of petals.
  4. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya labiata fm. coerulea ‘Sapphire’

    So I showed my plants all your blue labiatas on here and lo and behold, this popped out to join the party! The lip is really dark like sapphire and covers half the midlobe. Ceniza color too as all parts bluish esp. the sepals and petals. Sorry pics are side lined as it was behind a lot...
  5. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana coerulea flamea ‘Wildlings’

    A very reliable annual bloomer, this hot growing, high light species has stunning dark blue lip and petal flamea markings. Still opening and stretching, so more pics in a few days.
  6. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya trianae coerulea flamea #3

    Another one came to bloom.. not as nice form as #1 but thick substance: NS 13 cm
  7. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya walkeriana var coerulea ‘Blue Tooth’

    One of my blue walkies flowered in Sao Paolo (thanks Anderson!) with one 10.5 cm bloom from back bulbs. Still gathering strength for more flowers in a year or two. The form is very nice and the lip is very dark. I named it Blue Tooth because the lip reminded me of an upside down molar 🦷.
  8. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya trianae coerulea flamea ‘Blue Flames’

    Are you all sitting down? Get a coffee or a nice wine and lounge on a nice chair. And let me know what you think of this: My Brazilian friend and fantastic grower Anderson just sent me a pic of my trianae coerulea flamea that shocked me at the beauty. I was speechless! At 13 cm and only one...
  9. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya jenmanii coerulea ‘Charlie’ AM/AOS

    Received an AM of 80 points today from the RBG orchid show. My plant beautifully grown by David B. Great job Dave!!
  10. B

    Cattleya lundii var. coerulea bloomed

    Purchased from Hausermann’s last February after coming across a post in here of an absolutely stunning plant that was mounted to a large stone and clearly loved the culture; anyone who knows that photo will surely validate my wonderment. Have had mine a year now so I’ll take credit (and relief...
  11. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya labiata coerulea

    A nice blue labiata blooming very late in season. NS 14.5 cm.
  12. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana coerulea flamea ‘Wildlings’

    These buds popped out during my escape to Miami and opened wild and ungroomed lol. Nice dark solid blue lip and artsy petal flares. NS 14 cm.
  13. DrLeslieEe

    Lueddemaniana goes Wild in Miami

    Here’s a block party of 12 blue lueddies at the Tamiami show that received an AQ (awarded for entire cross for improvement of the species or cross, aka Award of Quality) from the AOS. All were bred by Krull-Smith nursery in Florida. Parentage cultivars used were ‘Cassie’s Delight’ x...
  14. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya percivaliana fm. coerulea ‘SRV’ AM/AOS

    Received as a division from Orchid Eros in May of this year (thanks Ben). Eight gorgeous aromatic (!) blue flowers on 3 inflorescences (3/2/3) with NS of 12 cm.
  15. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya labiata coerulea ‘Blue Balls’

    Likely the best bloom this plant has achieved (in DBryan’s GH). Almost 15.5 cm , round, flat and blue! Too bad it won’t last for judging 3 weeks from now ,(. This form is considered ‘ceniza’ type meaning that the petals and sepals are also bluish (vs true coerulea which has white sepals and...
  16. DrLeslieEe

    Phalaenopsis bellina fm. coerulea ‘Grapefull’

    Originally acquired from Kingfisher Orchids in BC two years ago as a 4N seedling. First time bloom with gorgeous color that fades of purple and blue. Shape so so. Very fragrant like Fruit Loops.
  17. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana flamea coerulea

    Another division I got from Orquidário Americana in 2020 (#3638). Very dark lip and big flamea. Quite lovely.
  18. DrLeslieEe

    Phalaenopsis bellina coerulea

    Cute little flower.
  19. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana var coerulea flamea ‘Marmalade Blue’

    Received this division from Brazil from the nursery Orquidário Americana in 2020. Finally it grew strong enough to bloom. Amazing flamea in a coerulea form of this lovely species. Almost pentaflamea with the mini brush strokes in sepals.
  20. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya labiata coerulea ‘Blue Diamond’

    First flowering of a division I got more than 3 years ago, possible more. Took its time growing but finally sheathed and popped out two blue flowers. Not as round as my other one ‘Blue Bells’ but it has the shape of a good ‘wild’ type. I named it ‘Blue Diamond’ because of the lip marking and...