Here is a small watercolour painting I have just completed. It is of my P. Toni Semple album (lowii album x haynaldianum album).
It took me much longer than expected because I have been very distracted by trying to find my missing cat (Fabi), who has been lost since 12th Feb. now.
Originally had 3 flowers and 2 buds, but one flower fell prematurely before 3rd open (behaved like a phrag!).... colors are diluted in half it seems from the original coloration types.
Raking my brain, I finally deduce (with much delayed Sherlock logistics) the reason for a (type x album)...
Wanted to share a pic of my Houghtoniae. Purchased as a seedling from the Orchid Inn at the WOC in Miami in 2008. Maybe the second or third time I have seen it bloom. They take forever!
Pretty happy with it. Has since put up a second flower on the same spike.