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  1. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae pentaflamea ‘Cerro Verde’ AM/AOS

    It made an AM/AOS of 81 points from today’s Toronto judging… and just barely too!! The flowers just started to show ageing today after keeping well for 4 weeks. The other two flowers collapsed 3 days ago, so had to work only with the two. Luckily it held on in cooler nights.
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae pentaflamea ‘Cerro Verde’

    Probably the most beautiful of my mossiae from the Mantellini collection of line bred flameas. It has many qualities of a great flower; full round shape with no windows, intense coloration of markings, solid trumpet lip with white tube, wide straight horizontal petals, thick substance and...
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae semialba pincelada Duo

    Two of my 3 mossiae semialba pinceladas/flameas in bloom now. I just adore these with their dramatics, their teeny weenie flares! NS 16 cm. Warm growing from Venezuela. ‘Supernova’ ‘La Paz’ Both grown beautifully by DavidB. Unfortunately was passed at judging today due to various...
  4. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae concolor ‘Canaima’s Heaven’ AM/AOS

    One of my favorite color form of this species… I have had this plant for over 5-7 years but last couple years at DavidB who grew it magnificently to bloom this way:
  5. DrLeslieEe

    Costa Rica Show Awards 2023

    I participated at the Costa Rica show judging for AOS today. Was exciting because we got to see many wonderful plants to award. I thought it would be full of dowianas but not one here. Fortunately they are taking us on a dowiana tour of nurseries and private collections tomorrow. Yayyy… Here’s...
  6. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae var. concolor ‘Canaima’s Heaven’ AM/AOS

    My plant is blooming it’s little heart out at my friend’s GH (David B.) with 6 flowers on two inflorescences (3 each). Beautiful white lip (that unfortunately has red striations that technically rules it not concolor lol) and soft cotton candy pink. Slight orangey fragrance. NS 14 cm.
  7. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae pentaflamea ‘Cerro Verde’

    I thought I’d share the most beautiful mossiae flamea I have ever seen, from the line breeding of Armando Mantellini of Cerro Verde nursery. Currently in bloom at their nursery in Florida. I was lucky to secure a division to pick up next month at the Tamiami show. (Pictures from Cerro...
  8. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae semialba flamea ‘SUPERNOVA’

    One of my best flameas in my collection with 4 flowers and 4 buds… I named her SUPERNOVA because it looks like an explosion… huge at 7 inches!
  9. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae semialba pincelada ‘La Paz’

    A division that I got from Gerardo’s collection in Venezuela couple years ago. First blooming after the shock of travel, so flowers are not at its best. Maybe in a couple more years it will show full potential. Has very nice deep magenta colored lip and mini flares on all segments, among the...