
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae semialba pincelada Duo

    Two of my 3 mossiae semialba pinceladas/flameas in bloom now. I just adore these with their dramatics, their teeny weenie flares! NS 16 cm. Warm growing from Venezuela. ‘Supernova’ ‘La Paz’ Both grown beautifully by DavidB. Unfortunately was passed at judging today due to various...
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya labiata pentaflamea/pincelada ‘Harlequin’

    From the collection of Armando Mantellini that I got on a visit to Redlands last year (thanks to his daughter Maria for selecting a strong division for me). The splash markings are not huge enough to qualify as flamea so pincelada is more appropriate. The shape is well-formed (for labiata)...
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya trianae coerulea flamea (pincelada)

    Finally fully stretched to NS 15.5 cm. Hard to really pinpoint coerulea until you see it side by side with the lavender of the jenmanii. The flamea is considered pincelada because it it like small brush strokes rather than a full splash of petals.
  4. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae semialba pincelada ‘La Paz’

    A division that I got from Gerardo’s collection in Venezuela couple years ago. First blooming after the shock of travel, so flowers are not at its best. Maybe in a couple more years it will show full potential. Has very nice deep magenta colored lip and mini flares on all segments, among the...
  5. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana pincelada with 5 point Flares!

    This is perhaps my most favorite lueddemaniana for the past 5 years. It is light pink with magenta flaring on all five segments, each a pincelada streak. Some call it a 5 point star lol. The lip is nicely marked with two yellow eyes. Flower shape is very round. Size is respectable at 14 cm NS...