
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. B

    Paphiopedilum purpuratum x sib (‘Full Wings’ x var. album ‘Albino Beauty’ CBR/AOS) selfed today!

    Today was day 3 from opening of this first-bloom seedling from Sam and my first-ever orchid pollination! Here’s hoping for success. Anybody want to give me tips on maturing the pod? Sam will be flasking but he grows in a phenomenally state-of-the-art facility, whereas I am but an...
  2. Ernesto

    Brachypetalum pollination

    Is it safe to pollinate a single growth brachy? I’ve read that generally you don’t want to pollinate plants until they have at least two mature growths, but I’ve also read that brachys are short-lived. How would you weigh these two things against one another?
  3. Ernesto

    Signs of successful Paph pollination

    What are signs to look out for successful pollination? I’ve read of flowers falling off and leaving behind the ovary; I’ve also heard of checking to see if the pollinia is “stuck” indicating that the pollen tubes have grown into the pod parent. Are these things true, and if so what is the time...