
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Theodoreorchidking

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum x sib (‘New Gigantic’ x ‘X Hot’ SMM/JOGA )

    So this one is in sheath. The sheath is very flat. Im not sure if this is ok or not. Out of all the rothschildianum I have this is by far the beefyest/ robust. I have bloomed one other of the same cross and it does not look like the same parents were used as the plant characteristics are so...
  2. Theodoreorchidking

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "lion king"

    Just bloomed Dorsal: 10cm Ns:22cm 4 flowers but haven't bloomed yet
  3. Ernesto

    Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin (rothschildianum x philippinense frma. album) x delenatii frma. alba

    I want to make a Paph hybrid that looks like a white rothschildianum. To get there, I figured I needed a way to get a roth shape, a way to wipe out anthocyanin, a way to wipe out carotenoids, and a way to wipe out chlorophyll. I think there are many ways to do this, and this is the first route...