This Phrag Acker's Fu Manchu came to me with almost no roots! First phrag, and though I was terrified I threw it into semi-hydro (something I had never tried prior) following Ray's website. Three month before and after photos attached- when I first got the pot off and discovered most of the roots were lifeless and mushy, the root buds it had at that time, and now!
I potted it too deep at first and then had to stake it to keep it from burying itself further and flopping over with every flush... it's been a journey.
I might see the start of a little bump on the side where a new growth may be about to emerge (not pictured). Could just be wishful thinking though!
I potted it too deep at first and then had to stake it to keep it from burying itself further and flopping over with every flush... it's been a journey.