The living room smells great last night, with 3 neos in bloom:
Regular Neofinetia, no variety name, with ruby tip root and slight hint of pink in the spur
Neofinetia falcata 'Tamagawa' (although I think it's more like 'Armani Island' though. No variegations, only the plant is 50% larger than my regular neos)
Neofinetia falcata 'Oonami Seikai'. Wonderful compact bean leaf variety, awarded me with 4 spikes this year! 2 are open, 2 coming
The last one is an Epi atropurpureum x Enc tampensis var alba cross. I have to burn this little plant until the leaves are yellow to get 2 spikes, only to have the buds blasted last minute. Only 1 flower survived :sob:
Anyone in Canada who is interested in this plant can PM me. I am more than happy to let it go to a better home.
Regular Neofinetia, no variety name, with ruby tip root and slight hint of pink in the spur

Neofinetia falcata 'Tamagawa' (although I think it's more like 'Armani Island' though. No variegations, only the plant is 50% larger than my regular neos)

Neofinetia falcata 'Oonami Seikai'. Wonderful compact bean leaf variety, awarded me with 4 spikes this year! 2 are open, 2 coming

The last one is an Epi atropurpureum x Enc tampensis var alba cross. I have to burn this little plant until the leaves are yellow to get 2 spikes, only to have the buds blasted last minute. Only 1 flower survived :sob:

Anyone in Canada who is interested in this plant can PM me. I am more than happy to let it go to a better home.