Today, I traveled north to the St. Louis area with my wife Brandy and mom to visit Marilyn LeDoux and tour her greenhouse. She graciously allowed me to take photos, and even posed for one so those of us who purchase from her by mail can put a face with the name. We spent an hour walking through a true wonderland of orchids, including some Angraecums that convinced me that I need to get some soon.
I photographed what was nearest to me as I walked around the benches, and I asked Marilyn if she really does have a magic spring supplying water to her plants: she denied it.
I have seen some really beautiful private collections of orchids before, but none of them had the vibrant health of the plants I saw today. A couple of my photos were blurry, as it was approaching sunset and I didn't use flash because I was afraid of washing out the color of the blooms.
Yes, this is The Queen. She had multiple spikes! I am in love with her.
I photographed what was nearest to me as I walked around the benches, and I asked Marilyn if she really does have a magic spring supplying water to her plants: she denied it.

Yes, this is The Queen. She had multiple spikes! I am in love with her.