I purchased this Cymbidium ensifolium “Green Top” from Sam Tsui a few years ago, a treasured memory of one of my few visits to his incredible facility. He had flasked it from a selfing of his father’s favorite plant. It was a small seedling then. It has grown considerably but never bloomed. It summers outdoors and winters in a bright east window. It always had a few of these black markings on its leaves but seems to grow ok. This year, the spots seem greatly increased and I seek either reassurance that they’re no big deal or else suggestions for how to treat if it’s a problem. None of my other Cymbidiums have this issue but I’ve always kept this one apart from others, more due to concern for its beautiful real Chinese Cymbidium pot than for fear of disease. I think I remember Sam saying it didn’t bloom well for him either but I’m not sure of that’s a conflated mismemory. Thank you.