I picked up this little P. tranlienianum at Hausermann’s last month; it looked healthy and the price was right.
It’s out of quarantine now and I’m thinking about repotting. As you can see, it’s potted in straight sphagnum.
My inclination is to repot it into seeding bark mix with extra pumice, charcoal and limestone chips, or a Japanese Cymbidium kanuma/pumice mix but I wanted to gauge expert opinions here; have I missed something? Is growing P. tranlienianum in straight sphagnum, like, a thing? I do see one apparently nice root circling… please advise?
It’s out of quarantine now and I’m thinking about repotting. As you can see, it’s potted in straight sphagnum.
My inclination is to repot it into seeding bark mix with extra pumice, charcoal and limestone chips, or a Japanese Cymbidium kanuma/pumice mix but I wanted to gauge expert opinions here; have I missed something? Is growing P. tranlienianum in straight sphagnum, like, a thing? I do see one apparently nice root circling… please advise?