Back At It Again!!

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Randy S

Hi All,

I got my first orchid back in 1968 when I was fourteen. I had fallen in love with the beauty of a Cattleya that I had seen. It came in the sheath and bloomed not long after I recieved it. I tried to get it to bloom again but to no avail! After a couple of years of no bloom I lost interest and didn't have any orchids for about fourty years. A year or so ago I got a Dendrobium in bloom from Costco. After If finished blooming we put it by the window and let it grow. I leaned over and grew benind the chest so I didn't notice the flowers until we were outside and looked over towards the window and to our amazement LOTS OF BLOOMS!! Well that got me hooked again so I have begun to acquire some plants and will see if things go better this time. At least the support system is much better than it was fourty years ago!

I'm glad to be onboard!

Welcome from Luxembourg Randy! Catts and dendros were also starters for me some 30 years back! Today, besides my plants of the catt alliance (and others), I mainly grow, as most of us, slippers! Nevertheless, you will find in the non-slipper part of the forum large numbers of threads conc. non-slipper genera!! Enjoy the forum!!! Jean
Hi Randy, welcome from Chicago! I also grow Cattleyas and Phals and ofcourse Paphs. This time of years most of my Paphs. I noticed are in bud. Hope yours is too.
:rollhappy::rollhappy: The watch pot never boils, as they say!
:clap::clap:Welcome aboard - support is what you'll have here!
Where are you from Randy?
Welcome from Greece! Randy I am glad to hear that you are back to the sport again...:D
Where I'm From

:rollhappy::rollhappy: The watch pot never boils, as they say!
:clap::clap:Welcome aboard - support is what you'll have here!
Where are you from Randy?

I'm located in the middle of Tropical Storm Hanna at the moment!

Seriously, I'm located in wonderful Norfolk, Virginia