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As I can't find any osmunda any longer I fortunately found a "secret but legal" source for treefern -

This is my fourth trunk in 10 years - once its chopped and cut into slabs I'll have a supply for the next 3 or 4 years
so now I'm dancing the dicksonia dance !!

Good going! It looks like a lot of tree fern. I would be doing the happy dance , too! Glad it is legal. (Is treefern sometimes illegal?)
I cut the slabs of with a chainsaw - I use the remaining cutted pieces as a potting mix for which it is excellent! - now the center part of the trunk is hard as wood and is useless unless you leave some root fibers on the pole and you use it a growing pole in the greenhouse but I already have two of them there - will show pictures
Is there any sterilization associated with something like that, before it enters the growing area(s)?
Thank you. Clark
This guy is growing several dozens of tree ferns - some time back he had frost and some died

Yes Dicksonia is a protected (CITES) treefern

Lucky you! That must have been some frost to kill a Dicksonia antarctica.

While D. antarctica is protected by CITES, it is shipped throughout the world (except of course America because they're such hard *****). Europe, especially the UK, takes the lion's share. Most are salvaged logs from Tasmania - the left overs from clear-cutting operations. A good thing? Dunno, but I guess it's better that some are taken and sold since they otherwise would end up in burn piles....I got one myself, but the price tag pains me still.

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