These two besseaes were awarded yesterday with both 79 point HCC at our monthly judging.
Good flowers but needed a little more to get to AM (one was small but good shape and other had minor damage). Maybe next blooming.

They came as a group of 5 of different crosses.
Congrats to Andrew (Roehampton Orchids) for growing them well to achieve this. Hard to get any award for a highly awarded species! In fact, he got 4 of them awarded this past year! Kudos.
Good flowers but needed a little more to get to AM (one was small but good shape and other had minor damage). Maybe next blooming.

They came as a group of 5 of different crosses.
Congrats to Andrew (Roehampton Orchids) for growing them well to achieve this. Hard to get any award for a highly awarded species! In fact, he got 4 of them awarded this past year! Kudos.